Business Partners Limited is a specialist risk finance company that provides customised financial solutions, sectoral knowledge, mentorship, business premises and other value-added services for formal small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in South Africa and selected African countries, namely Kenya, Malawi, Namibia, Rwanda, Uganda and Zambia.

SME lending solutions

The core of our focus is providing you with finance for your formal business. We structure unique, individualised financing solutions using shareholder loans, equity, royalties and term loans – or any combination of these. We pride

Black Swan Investments was created to investigate all things innovative. This led  Black Swan Investments down the path of real estate, 3D printing and the internet of things. Black Swan Investments found that its expertise within the project management and corporate finance spheres could be applied to these entrepreneurial projects. Black Swan Investments has gone on to share these lessons at The Innovation Hub, SAB Kickstarter, Sophiatown Bizcre8 as well as PPS Insurance.


  • Invest across a wide range of asset classes, with current exposure in the real estate and ICT sectors

Agri-Vie is a private equity investment fund focused on food and agribusiness in Sub-Sahara Africa, a foundational sector of the continent’s economies. Agri- Vie harnesses private equity investment disciplines to generate above-average investment returns, while also addressing development impact challenges.

Initiated by the Agri-Vie investment team and Sanlam Private Equity with the cooperation of South African and international investors as well as the Makotulo Consortium, Agri-Vie has consistently grown its role as a trusted investment partner in food & agribusiness.

Investment Focus


At the Innovation Bridge Portal, we strive to uplift entrepreneurs and increase economic growth as well as employment in Africa. Part of this effort is taking place in our Corporate Innovation Challenge and we made quite a lot of progress in the year 2021. The year included an educational webinar...

GreenMatter works towards unlocking the environmental, social and economic potential of our country, through the development of suitably skilled biodiversity specialists, researchers and professionals. They bring together networks of organisations, institutions and agencies to implement solutions that are aimed at addressing the challenges around developing relevant and quality biodiversity skills. 



Foundation Building 

Bridging work 

Organisational Strengthening

National Advisory 

Imvelisi Ideation for Enviropreneurs 

Imvelisi is a short programme designed to

The Global Cleantech Innovation Programme for SMMEs in South Africa (GCIP-SA) is part of a global initiative aimed at promoting clean technology innovation and supporting entrepreneurs in growing their SMMEs and start-ups into viable, investment-ready businesses.

Type of support offered:

  • Training, mentoring, access to capital, showcasing and awards.

Resources available for participants:

  • Business training methodology, general and specialist mentors.

Applicant eligibility criteria:

  • Be new and ground-breaking or incorporate adaptation of existing technologies, or use existing

We are a South African-based Tech Fund. We invest in student/ graduate tech startups. We have invested in more than 40+ startups and we have a combined tech valuation of R 750M+ 

We have a presence in Sandton and Cape town.

Shalamuka Capital is the private equity vehicle of the Shalamuka Foundation focused on mid-sized management buyouts, leveraged buyouts, development capital and funded BEE solutions.

As the private equity company for the Shalamuka Foundation, we partner with and invest in sustainable, non-listed businesses that show future growth potential to raise funding for our investments.

At Shalamuka Capital, we believe in investing in businesses for the long term by forming partnerships, rather than just making investments. Our value proposition is private equity in action, not words.


Spinnaker Growth Partners is an investment and advisory firm focusing on medium-sized companies with high-growth potential in South Africa.

We help mid-sized companies to capture growth opportunities. This is done by providing tailored business development support and access to the required growth capital. We also assist corporates and state-owned enterprises to take a more strategic approach to supplier development, working with their suppliers to deliver shared value for both parties. Our team has significant investment and top-tier management consulting expertise. Combined with our

My Growth Fund is a venture capitalist, supplier development and enterprise development firm in South Africa.

With our overall goal to enhance and contribute to the economic upliftment of Africa, we provide the tools innovators need to shatter the status quo. Our accelerator, incubators, masterclasses & investments make us the only wall-to-wall enterprise and supplier development company in South Africa. Since 2014 we’ve obsessively honed what we are good at providing the expert skills, business support and access to capital that entrepreneurs and businesses need to sustainably grow. We are