Our Vision

To stimulate and advance the creation of a sustainable, dynamic and internationally competitive South African medical device and diagnostic ecosystem in which ideas can become realities that positively impact healthcare and outcomes in Africa.

Our Mission

To develop a vibrant, cohesive ecosystem in which stakeholders co-operate and collaborate pre-competitively to seamlessly design, develop, manufacture and commercialize medical devices with a significantly increased local content, thereby contributing to the sector and broader economic development.

Our Ecosystem

This Medical Device Portal is aimed at improving access to sector information and facilitating collaboration and the identification of new opportunities. It provides access to information specific to the medical devices sector in the categories listed below. To search for information or to submit your details / register for inclusion in the portal please select and click on the relevant button below.

Medical Device Manufacturers
Medical Device Development Capabilities
Ecosystem Supporters
Medical Devices under Development


Is my data safe and kept confidential?

Yes. Your individual data and organization’s data which you have indicated that you do not wish to share is kept confidential. Only the data you have given consent for will be shared on this portal.

Can another company access my confidential data?

No. Your confidential data will not be shared on this portal and is not accessible to portal users.

How do I contact another company?

You can contact them by using the information they have provided on this portal.

What is MeDDIC?

The Medical Device and Diagnostic Innovation Cluster (MeDDIC) is a national initiative created to exploit a high concentration of skills, expertise, infrastructure and companies across South Africa within the medical devices and diagnostics field. The initiative, supported by the Technology Innovation Agency (TIA) and the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI), is aimed at stimulating and intensifying technology innovation within the sector as well as encouraging an integrated ecosystem in support of increasing the competitiveness of the industry. The South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC) hosts MeDDIC under its Global Health Innovation Accelerator (GHIA) Program.

What does MeDDIC fund?

Medical Devices and Diagnostics. South Africa’s domestic medical diagnostic and device industry imports 90% of the products by value with an increasing trade deficit in excess of R14.8 billion per annum. South Africa and the rest of the continent also continue to face an ever-increasing disease burden from both infectious diseases and non-communicable diseases. To address the medical devices trade imbalance, MeDDIC has funded opportunities for increasing the local manufacture of largely imported medical devices. The SAMRC is also an implementing partner for the TIA Seed Fund and co-funds medical diagnostic and device development to encourage local innovation, while the broader GHIA program focuses on new or improved health solutions aimed at vulnerable populations. The SAMRC and MeDDIC funding calls are aimed at addressing these three objectives.

Can I apply for MeDDIC funding at any time?

Currently, we fund through an open, competitive Request for Applications (RFA) process. The seed fund call is usually issued once a year. Other RFAs may be issued during the year if funds become available. Please look out for the RFAs and information on the funding criteria and eligibility on the SAMRC website and on the Innovation Bridge Portal.

What is the maximum amount of money that I can apply for?

The maximum funding ranges from R800,000 to R1 million excluding VAT over a 12–18-month period. Please refer to the specific call guidelines for the maximum amount of each call. A no cost extension can be granted where the project experiences delay, however permission must be sought first from the SAMRC.

What are the timelines for feedback?

The timelines from issuance of the Request for Applications to notification of the outcome is 3-5 months.

Can foreign entities apply for funding?

Foreign entities are not eligible to apply for funding through the RFAs. Applicants or project leaders must be South African citizens or permanent residence holders.

Which organisations are eligible to apply?

Please check the eligibility criteria for each RFA, as some RFAs might have different criteria or require partnerships. In general, the following are eligible to apply for the seed funding:

  • South African private/ for-profit small and medium enterprises involved in developing and manufacturing medical devices, diagnostics and/or components thereof.
  • Any institution approved by the Minister of Higher Education Science and Technology for National Research Foundation funding e.g., Universities, Universities of Technology, Science Councils, and research organisations.
  • Locally registered not-for profit research organisations whose primary purpose is to conduct research and/or product development.

Our Partners