This Institute of Advanced Tooling (IAT) is based at Walter Sisulu University (WSU) Buffalo City, satellite Campus in East London. IATWSU focuses mainly on mechanical design,  concept and product development, metrology (3rd party measurement), analysis, skills development and more recently, advanced

Umuzi works with top employers to support young people to access high-value tech and creative careers.

Young people can discover high-value tech and creative careers through our community content platform, Ez’Ntswembu. Anyone interested can start learning immediately through our online learning

The Council for Geoscience (CGS) is one of the National Science Councils of South Africa and is the legal successor of the Geological Survey of South Africa, which was formed in 1912 by the amalgamation of three former surveys, the oldest of which - the Geological Commission of the Cape of Good Hope

The Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá is an institution that has left its mark in  the development of the city and the region and its history, closely linked to the economic, political, social, and cultural events of this capital; it dates back to the year 1878, when a group of visionaries comprised of

The National Health Laboratory Service (NHLS) is the largest diagnostic pathology service in South Africa, with the responsibility of supporting the national and provincial health departments in the delivery of healthcare.


  • Diagnostics 
  • Academic Affairs and Research 
  • Training 
  • Quality

SiMODiSA Association has been established as a powerful industry led initiative to specifically address – and determine – what can be done to overcome the barriers that SMEs and startups face. It is critical to address these barriers, such as access to capital, access to markets, access to talent

Spoor & Fisher’s practice area teams specialise in trade marks, patents, copyright, registered designs, anti-counterfeiting, domain names, plant breeders’ rights, utility models, start-up support, consumer and advertising matters, commercial IP, IP audits and due diligence, and all related

Biosafety SA is a service platform within the national biotech innovation system, under the auspices of the Department of Science and Innovation. It enables safe, sustainable and compliant research, development, production, use and application of biotechnology - in particular GMOs

Technimark started in 1996 as an industrial design consultancy. Technimark is proficient in all stages of the design and production process, and is geared to take an idea from concept development, through prototyping, to manufacturing.

Services offered; 

  • Product Design 
  • 3D Printing
  • Product

Skeg Product Development is one of South Africa’s leading product development companies. We understand product development and are uniquely positioned to enable entrepreneurs and businesses to turn their product ideas into reality. 

Reseva is a consulting company providing a range of client-based services to the public and private sector. Our services include feasibility assessments of new products and services, including detailed process descriptions, mass and energy balances where applicable, flowsheets, bill of materials

ENSafrica is Africa's largest full-service law firm with over 600 practitioners, and 100 years of experience in high-level, complex commercial work. The firm's focus is on what's best for the client and striving for excellence, in both offering and service. ENSafrica is committed to providing