Infers Group is a knowledge management company that exists to bridge the gap between society and the knowledge producers in Africa. Based in Gaborone with an extension in Cape Town, South Africa, Infers Group brings together brilliant minds, creating ecosystems that allow the ambition of knowledge

Institute of Entrepreneurial of Development (IED) aims to position Botswana as a beacon for innovation, entrepreneurship and prosperity in Africa by helping aspiring and early-stage entrepreneurs turn their business ideas into reality. IED supports the development of business skills and knowledge as

Future Females is a movement that exists to connect, inspire and support current and aspiring female entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs – to rapidly increase the number of and success of these women.

Future Females is a platform that provides an environment, both digitally, physically, and emotionally

ORIBI is an impact incubator, providing programmes for skills development, training & support of entrepreneurs. Oribi mission is to connect business opportunities between all actors of the ecosystem around values of inclusion, social and environmental impact.

ORIBIT offerings; 

  • Incubation

Enterpriseroom is a specialist company that assists clients to develop and implement high impact, sustainable enterprise and supplier development programmes.

Enterpriseroom specialises in designing bespoke programmes to accelerate and grow SMEs by understanding their growth needs, structuring

Business Partners Limited is South Africa's leading risk financier for small and medium-sized businesses. The company offers risk finance using equity, royalty and debt finance, or a combination, and added value support in the form of mentorship and property investment and management for

Zimele is about creating sustainability in business. It’s focused on building sustainable livelihoods in the Anglo American host communities and on strengthening relationships to create synergies within Anglo American and with broader mining industry partners. 

Zimele is playing its part to create

The Raymond Ackerman Academy is a post-matric level academy that offers an inspiring and innovative six month, full-time programme in entrepreneurial development. 

The course aims at empowering young people by developing their entrepreneurial mind-sets. 

The RAA is 'RAAsome' opportunity for youth

The Western Cape Government understands that young entrepreneurs play an important role in promoting social change and driving innovation. New products and services created by entrepreneurs can cause a ripple effect and stimulate related businesses or sectors that need to support the new venture

Fintech is a Centre of Excellence for the furniture industry and is the first port of call for anyone looking for information on business incubation and or skills development in furniture manufacturing. Our dedication to quality service delivery and our national footprint has resulted in the Fibre

The Cape Craft and Design Institute (CDI) is a craft and design sector development agency with a mission to develop capable people and build responsible creative enterprises trading within local and international markets.

The CDI currently supports over 5 500 businesses and individuals in the South

Grindstone is a structured entrepreneurship development programme that assists high-growth innovation-driven companies to get the fundamental building blocks in place to scale quickly and become sustainable and fundable.

Grindstone offers a range of programmes:

GrindstoneXL programme

Every year a