SAASTEC is a Non-Profit Organization and umbrella body for Science Centres, Museums, independent organizations, public organizations and volunteers dedicated to promoting Science; Technology; Mathematics, Engineering and Innovation across the Southern African region.

Founded in 2008, by different Science Centres in South Africa as a platform to foster relationships and cooperation between existing science centres, museums and other organizations aligned to SAASTEC goals with the aim of benefiting from available resources and experiences within the region to further improve the role of all

The Conversation Africa is an independent source of news and views from the academic and research community, delivered direct to the public.

Our team of professional editors work with university and research institute experts to unlock their knowledge for use by the wider public.

Access to independent, high quality, authenticated, explanatory journalism underpins a functioning democracy. Our aim is to promote better understanding of current affairs and complex issues. And hopefully allow for a better quality of public discourse and conversation.

We aim to help rebuild trust in journalism

The African Astronomical Society (Afas) is a Pan-African professional society of astronomers.

Vision: A globally competitive and collaborative astronomy community in Africa

Mission: To be the voice of astronomy in Africa and to contribute to addressing the challenges faced by Africa through the promotion and advancement of astronomy.

The Mitrovic Development & Research Institute (MDRI) offers high-quality development and research services to public, private and non-profit organisations that wish to advance and sustain their businesses.

High Commission of Canada in South Africa.

Khwezi Innovations was founded and registered in 2020, with an aim to connect and work with other young innovators in unlocking and expanding our imagination and innovative ideas to make life less stressful.

At Khwezi Innovations, we believe that the era we are living in allows us not only to dream, but to invent and equip ourselves so that we are fit and ready for the approaching 4th Industrial revolution.

In an effort to provide foundational support that has deep, long term positive impact on the wide pool of entrepreneurs who are mostly start-ups and small medium and micro-entrepreneurs within South Africa, Nozibele Solutions is a company spearheading the change and impact from the ground up. We have a foundation built on the values of Ubuntu, mindset change, economic emancipation and technology innovation to uplift and equip entrepreneurs with the mind and skill-set to overcome the common obstacles and limitations of business at the start-up and SMME level.

While there are a number of

With the vision of being a key enabler of socio-economic development through innovation, KeNIA was set up to develop and manage the national innovation system.

The Kenya National Innovation Agency (KeNIA) is a State Corporation established under the Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Act, No. 28 of 2013 under the Ministry of Education. The core mandate of the Agency is to develop and manage the National Innovation System. The Agency is therefore responsible for co-ordination, promotion and regulation of the National Innovation Ecosystem.

Working with partners, KeNIA strengthens

Circle of Global Business Women is a global network of intelligent and innovative Women who are authentic in their endeavours to create a leadership shift globally. 

Circle of Global Business Women supports the rise of Women leaders globally and urges them to shatter the glass ceiling in various fields. Circle of Global Business Women embodies a female wave of change and a power circle of Women leading that change.



  • Enterprise Development Programme for Business Women
  • Empowerment Programmes for Corporate Women, Entrepreneurs and Professional Women
  • Science

We provide an integrated mapping system that gives peri-urban and rural areas digital presence - solving the problem of poor digital integration which hinders the mobility of essential services and economic activities. We use census numbers on each household as well as drones on those hard to reach places. Satellite imagery and data are crucial for us to scale, a useful resource needed to create one of the best digital maps even in remote places. We also offer livestock tracking and monitoring for rural and township households, giving them peace of mind over their assets.