Kgatelopele Venture Capital and Private Equity Pty is a 100% black-owned firm that seeks to invest in a variety of businesses. The name Kgatelopele is derived from a Setswana phrase meaning “taking a step forward to realise success.

The firm focuses primarily on private equity and venture capital asset classes. The firm targets mostly black under-developed businesses that have a potential for growth if supported. The firm seeks out companies with potential for growth and with the main aim to raise capital, put in talent and strategy needed to permanently strengthen the company and raise its

iPartners Africa (iPA) is the leading African Venture Capital management company in innovative, owner managed businesses with high growth potential. We are also committed to job creation, BEE and Social Impact.

Ethos is widely considered to be the most experienced and successful private equity investment team in South Africa. 

Founded in 1984, Ethos pioneered South African private equity, concluding the first private equity-led acquisitions in the country.

In 2016, Ethos transitioned into a broader investment firm, managing investments in private equity and credit strategies in South Africa and selectively in sub-Saharan Africa.  Furthermore, Ethos also launch Ethos Capital, an investment vehicle listed on the JSE, designed to offer investors long-term capital appreciation by investing in a

Dazzle Angels is a female-focused angel fund, that is led and funded by experienced businesswomen. Our angels not only invest their money but also invest their time, skills and networks, which is where the real value lies. All of our angels are successful entrepreneurs or experts in their field and are passionate about building early-stage businesses, leveraging their skills and networks to help our Zebras build the next generation of female-led businesses. We are looking for great businesses – businesses that solve a real problem, have a business model and will be sustainable – and happen to

Business Partners Limited is a specialist risk finance company that provides customised financial solutions, sectoral knowledge, mentorship, business premises and other value-added services for formal small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in South Africa and selected African countries, namely Kenya, Malawi, Namibia, Rwanda, Uganda and Zambia.

SME lending solutions

The core of our focus is providing you with finance for your formal business. We structure unique, individualised financing solutions using shareholder loans, equity, royalties and term loans – or any combination of these. We pride

The Royal Science & Technology Park (RSTP), was created through the vision of, His Majesty, King Mswati III. The Vision is well enshrined in the Act of Parliament, the Royal Science & Technology Park Act of 2012. The Vision is the first comprehensive effort, to promote science; technology; and innovation, in the Kingdom of Eswatini. The aim of the RSTP, is to provide steadfast support for basic research and innovation. In doing so, we provide a coherent approach to maximising the innovation dividend.

Kongalend is a development-oriented microfinance institution.

Kongalend Financial Services (Kongalend), is a Namibian pioneer development microfinance institution regulated by the Namibia Financial Institutions Supervisory Authority (NAMFISA), (Ref. No. 25/11/356), under the Microlending Act, 2018 (Act No.7 of 2018). Kongalend provides a range of development-oriented credit products designed to meet the financial needs of low-income micro-entrepreneurs to unlock their economic potential, generate income and create jobs for their fellow citizens who cannot be absorbed into the formal economy.

The Development Bank of Namibia is mandated to contribute to the development of Namibia and the socio-economic wellbeing of its citizens.

The goals that it sets itself are ambitious. In order to achieve its vision of prosperity, the Bank continuously evolves and develops its capacity with the aim of being an exceptional agent of economic development.

To achieve prosperity,
the Bank transforms the private sector through finance for larger enterprises in key economic sectors that are expected to deliver development impact, economic activity and employment, particularly in the fields of

Business Partners Africa provides specialised business finance,  as one of the leading business loan providers for viable SMEs unlock business value in over 523 business finance transactions. We’ve approved finance to the tune of US$ 123 million+ to established entrepreneurs. We finance established entrepreneurs.

1.Business Finance

Providing finance ranging from US$100 000 to US$ 1 million to established entrepreneurs with a viable formal business. We tailor our finance to meet your business’s unique needs and negotiate pricing and repayment terms with you. We assess your business for

Cirrus Capital is our holding company and capital-raising/ corporate advisory arm, its goal at inception is the need to both develop Namibia’s financial sector depth and develop suitable financing methods for Namibian real sector development.

Since 2017, Cirrus Capital has completed over N$3 billion (U$200m) worth of capital raising and transaction advisory projects, in both large and small transactions. Working through Cirrus Capital helps to remove the obvious bottlenecks between investors and beneficiaries, helping to create wealth and jobs for Namibians, while making it easy for all