SDG Intro

Goal 7: Affordable & clean energy
Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

Ensuring access to affordable, reliable and modern energy for all has come one step closer due to recent progress in electrification, particularly in LDCs, and improvements in industrial energy efficiency. However, national priorities and policy ambitions still need to be strengthened to put the world on track to meet the energy targets for 2030


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North-West University

This technology involves a method for generating hydrogen in an electrolysis cell. A proton exchange membrane (PEM) is used to separate anode and cathode chambers of the cell. The space between the...

University of South Africa

A smart microprocessor and sensor-based controller that allows users to optimize energy efficiency in households. The smart microprocessor enables selective management of energy in the household...

University of South Africa

The technology relates to an upright tubular fixed-bed reactor body comprising of a heat-dissipating pipe, which extends from the reactor tube wall, to ensure that heat is effectively transferred in...