The Technology Station in Chemicals (TSC) is situated at Mangosuthu University of Technology (MUT) in Umlazi. MUT provides technological support and promotes innovation for Small Medium Enterprises in the Manufacturing and Chemical sector.

Technology Competencies and Offerings:

  • Environmental

Adaptronics Advanced Manufacturing Technology Laboratory (AMTL) is located at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT), Bellville Campus. The primary objective of the unit is to specialise as a national manufacturing, research and educational resource centre for Adaptronics Technologies in

InnoVenton: Institute for Chemical Technology is a formally registered Research Institute at the Nelson Mandela University (NMU), whose principle research focus is in Product and Process Development. The Institute strives to be self-sustaining through income generated from services to industry

eNtsa is recognised as a prominent research, design and technology support unit for the advanced manufacturing sector in South Africa, based in Port Elizabeth at the Nelson Mandela University (NMU).

eNtsa's main focus is to support and stimulate engineering innovation in order to improve the

The Technology Station in Rural Sustainable Development (TSRSD) is located at Upington in the Northern Cape. The Station is affiliated to the Vaal University of Technology (VUT) Sebokeng's campus. It forms part of the VUT's Technology Transfer and Innovation Directorate. As such, it is supported by

The Technology Station in Clothing and Textiles (TSCT) is located at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT), Bellville Campus. The TSCT was established to provide innovation support to SMEs in the clothing and textile industry to become more competitive.

Technology Competencies and

The Technology Stations Programme (TSP) was established to enable Universities of Technology (UoT) to provide technology development services to small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The Technology Stations (TS) provide innovative Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) solutions for complex

The FABlab Design and Technology Centre is an advanced manufacturing, prototyping and design lab in Namibia. 


The East London Industrial Development Zone (ELIDZ), established in 2003, is a prime industrial park offering customised solutions for various industries including automotive, agro-processing and aquaculture. It offers growth-oriented companies a specialised manufacturing platform, innovative

mLab is a tech-centred business working alongside partners to build a vibrant, robust innovation ecosystem. We do this by identifying and nurturing the tech-talent among our youth, supporting budding tech-entrepreneurs and their fledgling businesses, and creating tech that brings about change and

This Institute of Advanced Tooling (IAT) is based at Walter Sisulu University (WSU) Buffalo City, satellite Campus in East London. IATWSU focuses mainly on mechanical design,  concept and product development, metrology (3rd party measurement), analysis, skills development and more recently, advanced

Technimark started in 1996 as an industrial design consultancy. Technimark is proficient in all stages of the design and production process, and is geared to take an idea from concept development, through prototyping, to manufacturing.

Services offered; 

  • Product Design 
  • 3D Printing
  • Product