The Rotatable Fish Drying Frame is aimed at formalising a specific fish-drying process already used by different communities in Africa. The frame allows for the drying of up to 100 kg of fresh fish at a time using the existing iteration. The key principle is that after one week of drying the drum
Our invention consists of an array of Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) sensors that are synchronized with one another. The IMU sensors measure the inertia and position of the subject within a space. The IMUs’ output is their collective measurement of inertia and forces, generating big data. The data
Background The nucleus of a cell is central to the well-being of any living organism. It stores and organises information from other cellular components and protects this information. It communicates with the rest of the cell, exchanges RNA and facilitates several important processes. The nuclear
Background Various cancers, including gynecological cancers, are becoming resistant or insensitive to platinum-based chemotherapy and consequently higher dosages are required to be effective. Unfortunately, most of these chemotherapeutic drugs cause undesirable systemic effects such as cardiac or
Background Immortalized cell lines have been used extensively in cancer biology and as a model system to test the efficacy of vaccines, but their use is becoming increasingly limited because of extensive genetic and phenotypic variations compared to those expressed in cancer patients. Similarly
Background A Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scanner applies magnetic fields to a human or animal in order to generate an image of a specific region of the body. Due to a number of internal and external effects, these fields are never completely homogeneous. Distortion of the magnetic fields may
Omega Caro-E Xtra combines Omega-3 fatty acids with 11 different carotenoids and five different forms of vitamin E, all derived from Palm oil and manufactured by a patented process in Malaysia. It also contains 50% of the daily requirement for vitamin D. The concept was created and developed in
Postharvest table grapes are susceptible to fungal infection even when stored at the optimal temperature of −0.5°C. The most important pathogen of stored Table Grapes is grey mould, which is caused by Botrytis cinerea. Some countries fumigate their grapes with sulphur dioxide gas. However, if the
The Agricultural Research Council - Vegetable and Ornamental Plants ( ARC-VOP), which has a solid reputation as a leader in sweet potato R&D, has developed a new variety Khumo orange-fleshed sweet potato. A 60-gram serving of boiled roots of variety Khumo, supplies the recommended daily allowance
Nambu has developed an innovative low-cost model of insect protein production that turns food and other organic waste streams into a high-value source of proteins, oils and micronutrients ideal for use in the animal feed sector. We have done this by employing a distributed model of business
Surfactants are amphipathic molecules with both hydrophilic and hydrophobic moieties that partition preferentially at the interface between fluid phases such as oil/water or air/water interfaces. Such characteristics confer excellent detergency, emulsifying, foaming, and dispersing traits, which
The collection and preservation of biological material for further DNA and RNA analysis are critical to many biomedical fields, from medical diagnostics to forensics and biodiversity conservation. The Forensic DNA lab at the University of the Western Cape has developed a novel, proprietary DNA