Downstream Aluminium Centre for Technology (DACT) provides training and incubating facilities where entrepreneurs in the aluminium casting industry can successfully grow to independence. 

Services include the following:

  • Physical space

  • Product/process identification

  • Access to equipment, machine, tools and computers

  • Internet Café

  • CAD Design Studio

  • Shared administrative services

  • Business assistance

  • Entrepreneurial culture development

  • Technical Training

  • Counselling, Coaching and Mentoring

  • Technology Transfer

  • Marketing and

Autumn Green focuses on creating electronic devices. The company creates, manufactures, and assembles electronic circuits for IoT applications. We create solutions for the energy industry, mining, agriculture, and home automation.

The National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) is a South African-based agency established primarily to address challenges faced by the nation’s youth. 

NYDA Products and Services 

The objective of the Jobs Fund is to co-finance projects by public, private and non-governmental organisations that will significantly contribute to job creation. This involves the use of public money to catalyse innovation and investment on behalf of a range of economic stakeholders in activities that contribute directly to enhanced employment creation in South Africa.

To address the challenge of unemployment, South Africa requires high rates of sustained economic growth. South Africa’s macro-economic policy environment, infrastructure asset base, schooling system and regulatory frameworks

The National Empowerment Fund (the NEF) is a driver and thought-leader in promoting and facilitating black economic participation by providing financial and non-financial support to black-owned and managed businesses, and by promoting a culture of savings and investment among black people. The NEF’s vision is to become the leading provider of innovative transformation solutions for an economically inclusive South Africa.

Small Enterprise Finance Agency's (SEFA) core function is to foster the establishment, development and growth of SMMEs and cooperatives and contribute toward poverty alleviation, job creation and economic growth.

Our task is to provide SMMEs and cooperatives throughout South Africa with simple access to finance in an efficient and sustainable manner, by:

  • Delivering wholesale and direct lending credit facilities or products
  • Providing credit guarantees to SMMEs and cooperatives
  • Supporting the institutional strengthening of financial intermediaries, so that they can effectively assist small

The Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) is a national development finance institution set up to promote economic growth in South Africa.  The IDC funding promotes regional development and integration, economic empowerment of communities and growing black industrialists. 

IDC funds the following sectors; 

  • Energy 
  • Automotive & Transport Equipment
  • Chemicals, Medical & Industrial Mineral Products
  • Machinery, Equipment & Electronics
  • Mining & Metals
  • Media & Audio-Visual
  • Textiles & Wood Products
  • Tourism & Services

The mandate of One-Stop Business Facilitation Centre (OBFC) is to promote investment through efficient and effective trade facilitation through the following current and potential future services:

  • Traders Licences

  • Manufacturing Licences

  • Small scale manufacturing licences

  • Export Permits/ documents

  • Import permits

  • Rebates

  • Work Permits

  • Residence Permits

  • Company Registration

  • Tax Registration and Clearances

  • Utilities Payments

  • Investment Information

  • Business Statistics

  • Advocacy for regulatory reform

  • Tariff investigations and

The Companies and Intellectual Property Authority (CIPA) is mandated to register businesses and protect intellectual property rights through the administration of four (4) pieces of legislation namely;

  1. The Companies Act (CAP 42:01), provides for the incorporation of companies; registration of post incorporation returns and notices; monitoring of post incorporation returns and reservation of company names.

  2. Registration of Business Names Act (CAP 42:05), provides for the registration of business names and post registration notices such as change of ownership and cessation of businesses

The Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) is an agency of the Department of Trade and Industry (dti) in South Africa. 

Functions of the Commission

  • Registration of Companies, Co-operatives and Intellectual Property Rights (trade marks, patents, designs and copyright) and maintenance thereof
  • Disclosure of Information on its business registers
  • Promotion of education and awareness of Company and Intellectual Property Law
  • Promotion of compliance with relevant legislation
  • Efficient and effective enforcement of relevant legislation
  • Monitoring compliance with and