The Jobs Fund
Overview of Investor
The objective of the Jobs Fund is to co-finance projects by public, private and non-governmental organisations that will significantly contribute to job creation. This involves the use of public money to catalyse innovation and investment on behalf of a range of economic stakeholders in activities that contribute directly to enhanced employment creation in South Africa.
To address the challenge of unemployment, South Africa requires high rates of sustained economic growth. South Africa’s macro-economic policy environment, infrastructure asset base, schooling system and regulatory frameworks are all key to growth. However, improving and reforming these factors is a long-term process
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Type of investor
Sector/s of Interest
Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Mining and quarrying
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities
Accommodation and food service activities
Real estate activities
Professional, scientific and technical activities
Human health and social work activities
Arts, entertainment and recreation
Country/s of interest
South Africa