Mepya Logistics is a last-mile distribution and B2B e-commerce platform that simplifies the supply chain between fresh food producers, poultry producers, livestock producers, retailers and traders.

Bon Bon Engineering was founded out of need. The sugarcane industry has been on a decline for more than 2 decades, with a loss of over 60 % of cane farmers and 45% of other sugar industry related jobs. This is due to unfavourable market conditions such as distorted global prices, declining demand and the introduction of sugar taxes worldwide. Together with this, there is an increasing demand for renewable, bio-based and green products. Our business will use sugarcane to produce high value products that are in-demand, thereby circumventing the market pressures faced by the sugarcane industry.  

beAfriBusiness is a development company foundered by a young South African entrepreneur, who develops projects in the Solar, Water and Agri Sector, beAfriBusiness develops projects in countries with high scarcity of water and arable land, farmers are encouraged to use solar energy and smart Agri technology to increase produce and productivity. Water is a critical input for agricultural production and plays an important role in food security. Due to population growth, urbanization, and climate change, competition for water resources is expected to increase, with a particular impact on

Seed South Capital is an organization built for the times, today’s societal demands call for pragmatic solutions to address the widespread economic inequality. We cannot and should not admire the problem anymore.

We invest in early-stage companies, transforming these into B-BBEE compliant business enterprises, forging a new class of youthful entrepreneurs.

We take a hurried approach to patient investing. Solving inequality means building businesses, not simply buying and selling companies.

  • We support exceptional South African entrepreneurs who promote African indigeneity, culture, and

African rooted capital management firm focused on impactful, alternative investments.

What We Do

We manage investment portfolios on behalf of our clients / investors aiming to grow their wealth over time. Through our investments we also aim to contribute towards inclusive economic growth in Africa.

Savvy Africa Opportunities Fund

Savvy Africa Opportunities Fund, an equity fund that focuses on growth & expansion capital with investments ranging from US$3 mil. in African Listed and Pre-IPO Opportunities. 

Segregated Pan-Africa Mandates

We also offer bespoke Pan-Africa Equity mandates to


SABAN (South African Business Angel Network) is the non-profit, professional association for the South African early stage investor community. Established in 2016, SABAN represents a sector that plays a vital role in South Africa’s future, notably in the funding of Start-Ups. SABAN members fuel SA’s growth through the creation of wealth and jobs.


– Raising awareness of Angel investing activity 

– Capacity building / training

– Networking with peers

– Research

– Accreditation

– Seeding Angel Groups in major economic hubs

– Lobbying for regulatory improvements

– Recognise

Crucis Venture Capital's funding solution for entrepreneurs is a 12J company structure, that focuses on 5 sectors we believe have the most potential for sustainable growth in the medium term.

The 5 sectors are:
1. Fintech
2. Medical tech
3. Manufacturing
4. Waste
5. Agro-processing

The Environmental Investment Fund of Namibia (EIF) is a fund created by Act 13 of 2001 of the Parliament of the Republic of Namibia with the overall aim of continuing this great legacy by supporting individuals, projects and communities that ensure the sustainable use of natural resources.

Ndolika Investments is a company that comprises different facets. This includes but is not limited to Agribusiness, horticulture, aquaculture, and poultry farming.

Talent10 Holdings is an investment holding company that maximises value creation by providing financial support, strategic, managerial, sales and marketing expertise, access to diverse commercial networks as well as deal making expertise.

Talent10 Holdings was established by its founders as an investment holding company in October 2012 with the vision that by 2020 we would be a significant investment holding company in South Africa with a diversified and integrated portfolio of companies that could have a significantly broader societal impact by growing the businesses and its people. The