The Government Institutions Pension Fund (GIPF) was established at the end of 1989, marking a new dawn for all Namibians. As a professionally managed pension fund, GIPF continues to strive to be a leading pension fund and a model corporate citizen in Namibia. GIPF is also one of the few fully funded pension funds in Africa that have built up enough funds to cover its liabilities.


Kongalend is a development-oriented microfinance institution.

Kongalend Financial Services (Kongalend), is a Namibian pioneer development microfinance institution regulated by the Namibia Financial Institutions Supervisory Authority (NAMFISA), (Ref. No. 25/11/356), under the Microlending Act, 2018 (Act No.7 of 2018). Kongalend provides a range of development-oriented credit products designed to meet the financial needs of low-income micro-entrepreneurs to unlock their economic potential, generate income and create jobs for their fellow citizens who cannot be absorbed into the formal economy.

The Development Bank of Namibia is mandated to contribute to the development of Namibia and the socio-economic wellbeing of its citizens.

The goals that it sets itself are ambitious. In order to achieve its vision of prosperity, the Bank continuously evolves and develops its capacity with the aim of being an exceptional agent of economic development.

To achieve prosperity,
the Bank transforms the private sector through finance for larger enterprises in key economic sectors that are expected to deliver development impact, economic activity and employment, particularly in the fields of

Business Partners Africa provides specialised business finance,  as one of the leading business loan providers for viable SMEs unlock business value in over 523 business finance transactions. We’ve approved finance to the tune of US$ 123 million+ to established entrepreneurs. We finance established entrepreneurs.

1.Business Finance

Providing finance ranging from US$100 000 to US$ 1 million to established entrepreneurs with a viable formal business. We tailor our finance to meet your business’s unique needs and negotiate pricing and repayment terms with you. We assess your business for

Guscora is an investment company incorporated in Namibia.

We generate superior returns for our shareholders by investing in companies:

- With business models we can understand;
- With able and trustworthy management;
- That has the ability to grow per share earnings at an above average rate over the long term; and
- That can be acquired at a fair price.

Nampro Fund is an investment fund established to support SME suppliers that require funding to execute contracts. With the Government Institutions Pension Fund (GIPF) as its founding investor, the Fund has N$600 million under management. Our primary focus is to provide required short-term working capital facilities to SMEs that have been awarded supply contracts by large, reputable organisations, that are defined as large private companies, State Owned Enterprises (SOEs), local authorities, development institutions, regional councils, the central government and so forth.

Standard Bank Eswatini opened its doors in 1988 and is today a leading commercial bank in the country in terms of capital and assets. It is a member of the Standard Bank Group which has a global presence with representation in 19 African countries and 21 countries outside Africa.

deVere Acuma Botswana is part of a leading independent financial advisory organisation, and we help our clients, who are primarily expatriates and international investors, reach and often exceed their financial goals. We devise, implement and manage bespoke financial strategies and solutions that help them create, grow and maximise their wealth.

deVere Acuma Botswana clients enjoy associated benefits such as our comprehensive range of products – many of which are exclusive to our clients - our market-leading technologies, our well-established relationships with the world’s leading financial

LCM Capital is an alternative investment company with primary focus on Investment, Risk and Governance. LCM Capital's core business areas are asset management, private equity, research and analytics and startup advisory services and solutions to companies. 

Pre-eminence Financial is legally regulated by Namibia Financial Institutions Supervisory Authority (NAMFISA),  Pre-eminence provides a range of development-oriented microfinance credit products to meet the needs of low-income households and micro-entrepreneurs by providing affordable borrowing rates to generate income, improve literacy rates and create jobs for our fellow Namibians for those who chose to improve and uplift the formal economy.