BarloWorld Siyakhula is the supplier and enterprise development arm of Barloworld Limited responsible for promoting transformation, Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment and supplier diversity within the group's value chain.

BarloWorld Siyakhula creates opportunities for small and medium-sized businesses, along with shared value for our shareholders. They provide financial and non-financial support to SMMEs, helping them to become sustainable and competitive in the marketplace.

Business France’s mandate is to help foster business relations between France and the countries in which the agency operates.

For example, Business France South Africa helps French companies find partners and clients in South Africa and neighbouring countries, and helps South African companies invest in France.

A public/private entity or entrepreneur looking to invest in France to partner with a French company or to acquire French technology is encouraged to get in touch with Business France’s South African office for advice and assistance.

Business France is responsible for fostering

FETOLA co-creates and deliver impactful Enterprise and Supplier Development solutions that build sustainable businesses and create jobs nationwide.

Their solutions go beyond the Scorecard and Enterprise and Supplier Development to provide a full suite of tailored project management, strategic advice, capacity building and SME incubator support services. 


The Fetola: Mentor Hotline - an exclusive pilot programme that gives entrepreneurs access to free virtual business advice. Our aim is to support businesses by giving them targeted, rapid-response access to business-specific

Angel Network Botswana (ANB) is a network of business angels seeking to invest their personal funds in growth-oriented start-up businesses with exciting products and services. They are experienced in investing, leading due diligence, structuring investments, and mentoring entrepreneurs.

They form an extensive peer network of domain expertise and contacts for subsequent funding, talent and technology. We give the entrepreneurs we invest in access to networks and mentorship with the aim of building a sustainable business ecosystem.

Our members come from different industries and backgrounds

LCM Capital is an alternative investment company incorporated under Botswana Companies Act on 8 February 2017 with a primary focus on Investment, Risk and Governance. LCM Capital Four core business areas are Asset Management, Private Equity, Research and Analytics and Startup Advisory services and solutions to companies. As a homegrown business with an international outlook on the fund administration landscape, our mandate is to ensure that funds are managed appropriately with an outcome of robust risk adjusted returns, profitability and capital preservation. The company also strives to grow

Metier is a proven leader in the area of private equity, alternative assets and related advisory services. The company was founded in 2004 and raised South Africa’s largest private equity fund in terms of third party local commitments. It has an established team that ranks amongst the largest and most experienced in the industry. Metier has a strong track record in private equity investing and selective M&A advice that confirms its leadership status.

Metier manages two capital growth funds and a sustainable capital fund. Our realised club-deal principal portfolio has also shown remarkable

Ethos is widely considered to be the most experienced and successful private equity investment team in South Africa. 

Founded in 1984, Ethos pioneered South African private equity, concluding the first private equity-led acquisitions in the country.

In 2016, Ethos transitioned into a broader investment firm, managing investments in private equity and credit strategies in South Africa and selectively in sub-Saharan Africa.  Furthermore, Ethos also launch Ethos Capital, an investment vehicle listed on the JSE, designed to offer investors long-term capital appreciation by investing in a

Dazzle Angels is a female-focused angel fund, that is led and funded by experienced businesswomen. Our angels not only invest their money but also invest their time, skills and networks, which is where the real value lies. All of our angels are successful entrepreneurs or experts in their field and are passionate about building early-stage businesses, leveraging their skills and networks to help our Zebras build the next generation of female-led businesses. We are looking for great businesses – businesses that solve a real problem, have a business model and will be sustainable – and happen to

Business Partners Limited is a specialist risk finance company that provides customised financial solutions, sectoral knowledge, mentorship, business premises and other value-added services for formal small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in South Africa and selected African countries, namely Kenya, Malawi, Namibia, Rwanda, Uganda and Zambia.

SME lending solutions

The core of our focus is providing you with finance for your formal business. We structure unique, individualised financing solutions using shareholder loans, equity, royalties and term loans – or any combination of these. We pride

The Royal Science & Technology Park (RSTP), was created through the vision of, His Majesty, King Mswati III. The Vision is well enshrined in the Act of Parliament, the Royal Science & Technology Park Act of 2012. The Vision is the first comprehensive effort, to promote science; technology; and innovation, in the Kingdom of Eswatini. The aim of the RSTP, is to provide steadfast support for basic research and innovation. In doing so, we provide a coherent approach to maximising the innovation dividend.