TeleAfya in partnership with Etechtouch connects patients to board-certified doctors, Nurses, Nurse Assistants, Mid-Wives and diagnostic labs 24 hours a day.

The French South African Tech Labs (FSAT Labs) is an incubator and accelerator for French and South African tech start-ups, based in Century City, Cape Town. It offers 400 sqm of incubation & acceleration space. Based on the partnership between Seda (Small Enterprise Development Agency) and Methys, the FSAT Labs is a new service for entrepreneurs who desire to become powerful changemakers. Twice a year, we select and support a new class of entrepreneurs.

Innovation Highway is a development initiative by the Technology Transfer and Innovation Support Office of the North-West University (NWU), to volunteer the commercialization skills of its team members in order to help establish start-up companies for entrepreneurs outside of academia. It is housed in a wholly-owned subsidiary of the NWU and is tax-paying. Innovation Highway focuses on early-stage technology –linked innovations and often assists with hurdle costs such as development, validation costs, prototyping costs and registration of intellectual property rights in return for a profit

National University of Lesotho is a growing institution striving to meet the needs of the nation, by producing competent and skilled graduates who can easily take up the call to assist in the development of Lesotho. The 80-hectare University site is situated at Roma (pop. 8,000) some 34 kilometers southeast of Maseru, the capital of Lesotho.

The governing body of the University is the Council and academic policy is in the hands of the Senate – both Council and Senate being established by the Act. The University holds membership in:

·       The Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU)

Mamntlane Phyto=pharmaceuticals and Nutrition is a company which focuses on herbal syrups and superfoods.

Inqaba Yesizwe Holdings trading as Inqaba Yesizwe Phyto-pharmaceuticals and Nutritional supplements Healing holistically with Plant-base tonics, elixirs, herbal teas and supper foods

D CHEM GROUP is a 100% Black female-owned company.D CHEM GROUP is a diversified chemical manufacturing company based in Pietermaritzburg. It distinguishes itself in the market place through the production of innovative products which are in much use in daily life. The company is currently manufacturing detergents and we have just started working on a project with traditional healers to create a database of natural active ingredients with anti-diabetic activity.

Afrobodies is a South African based biotechnology company. We specialise in making recombinant alpaca antibodies. Our antibodies are 90% smaller and more adaptable to customer needs than 99% of antibodies currently on the global market. These properties make them ideal for sensitive detection of chemicals, proteins, viruses and bacteria. Afrobodies develops antibodies for customers in the following three sectors. 1- Life Sciences research, Immunodiagnostics and Agriculture. We are currently looking to expand our immunotherapy portfolio with some exciting new ventures.

AfricaBio is an independent, not-for-profit biotechnology stakeholder association based in Pretoria, South Africa. The association was established in 1999 to promote the safe, ethical and responsible research, development and use of biotechnology and its products in South Africa and the region. It has a dedicated secretariat, a Chief Executive Officer and a Board of Directors. Its mandate is to provide accurate information, create awareness and understanding as well as knowledge on biotechnology and biosafety in the African region. AfricaBio has membership that spans from major global

Technovera is a social impact organisation that is focused on technology inclusion, with the aim of improving the last mile for chronic medication access in Africa. Technovera has been working with the Aurum Institute, City of Tshwane, City of eKurhuleni and the National Department of Health in South Africa on reducing the average time spent in a clinic. Thus far, we have reached over 10,000 patient collections with an average collection duration of 22 seconds (much lower than the anticipated 2 min). Technovera is now looking to engage in creating other opportunities and collaborate with