The ORBIT TVET College Centre for Entrepreneurship was founded out of generous funding from the Department of Small Business Development and SEDA Technology programme. The purpose of the Centre for Entrepreneurship is to provide Generic Enterprise Development Services/Interventions and Incubation to ORBIT TVET College graduate students and members from its focused communities.

Key reasons for the establishment of the Centre are:

  • Contributing towards promotion of entrepreneurship through the current college curriculum.
  • Assisting college graduates who cannot be absorbed by the labour market

Centre for Social Entrepreneurship (CSE) is a rapid business incubator that was established at the Durban University of Technology in 2015 at ML Sultan campus, funded by Small Enterprise Development Agency to develop and support small businesses within Durban surroundings. 

The purpose of the centre is to infuse creativity into the entrepreneurial mindset of students and external communities. By identifying problems that could be addressed using creative solutions for key socio-economic challenges such as high levels of unemployment, inequality and poverty.

Centre Offerings; 

  • Training
  • Me

The Center for Entrepreneurship and Rapid Incubation is a tool for fostering an entrepreneurial culture and supporting up-and-coming business owners, which will eventually reduce youth unemployment.

While the Rapid Incubator concentrates on the college, it also provides services to all industries and small enterprises in the Katlehong catchment area in an effort to generate fresh ideas and support youth-owned and -operated firms.

The Esayidi Rapid Incubator and Centre for Entrepreneurship (CFERI) was launched on the 12th of August 2016.  The Incubator targets clients from historically disadvantaged communities within the Ugu District and more specifically the students/graduates of Esayidi TVET College.

The Esayidi CFERI is aimed at stimulating growth in cross-cutting (mixed) SMMEs and inculcating the culture of entrepreneurship among students and graduates.The Esayidi CFE focuses on the theoretical aspects of business development and assist with the practical aspects of businesses development which include product

False Bay Centre for Entrepreneurship provides innovative business incubation and development support services in the False Bay area of Cape Town.

The mission of the CFERI is to:

  • Inculcate entrepreneurial thinking in the delivery of College vocational and occupational programmes which will support and stimulate an entrepreneurial economy.
  • Inspire young college graduates to become entrepreneurs as an attractive career choice and train these graduates through formal training and practical business experience.
  • The CFERI will also support existing businesses in the Khayelitsha and Mitchells

The West Coast College has established the CFERI through funding provided by the Small Enterprise Development Agency (SEDA) to promote youth entrepreneurship and mitigate the constraints associated with the failure of youth owned start- up and early stage enterprises within the first three years of establishment. We aim to support start-up and early stage previously disadvantaged entrepreneurs with resources and services to increase their success which is measured by profitable and self- sustaining growth- oriented ventures that will contribute to the creation of jobs and economic growth in

There is a large entrepreneurial gender disparity in South Africa. A recent survey shows that the average total early-stage entrepreneurial activity (TEA) female/male gender ratio is 0.70. Further statistics show that only 9% of women are involved in the early stages of entrepreneurial pursuit...

MIC Khulisani Ventures is Mineworkers Investment Company’s early-stage investment vehicle, providing capital for businesses that are ready to aggressively expand and increase their market footprint.

Our investment focus is innovative and highly disruptive black-owned South African businesses across diverse high-growth sectors.

Click here to apply. 

We are a brand and business consulting company, that prides itself in helping our clients achieve their business goals by providing expert advice in our fields of proficiency. We offer professional advice, guidance and actionable solutions to both businesses and individual persons experiencing issues they can't deal with in-house. 

Spiral 8 Studio is a fresh, young and creative digital agency based in Pretoria, South Africa. We design and build extraordinary brands that empower your business presence. Our goal is to make your brand STAND OUT from the rest.

Spiral 8 Studio has eight divisions that specialize in various fields in online marketing and the design industry. The eight divisions consist of Brand Strategy, Brand Design, Advertising, Social Media Management, Print Media, Web Development, Studio Production, and Information Technology Support.