The Daily Grind Hub is a facility with space for thinkers, innovators and entrepreneurs to get the support, coaching, and mobilisation they need. 

The Daily Grind Hub offers the following services; 

  1. Incubation 
    • Pre-Incubation: Innovation assessment, business plan, business modelling and training
    • Incubation: Access to finance and coaching and mentoring, hosting, training, commercialization, and advanced business planning. 
    • Post-Incubation: Innovation diagnostics, international support, technology commercialization, clustering business development. 
  2. Co-Working Spaces
  3. Codetrepre

I just registered my company and want to provide accommodation for the community 

We are a Shisanyama pub and grill. We are located outside a train station in a low-income neighborhood and have been in business for ten years.


MIC Khulisani Ventures is Mineworkers Investment Company’s early-stage investment vehicle, providing capital for businesses that are ready to aggressively expand and increase their market footprint.

Our investment focus is innovative and highly disruptive black-owned South African businesses across diverse high-growth sectors.

Click here to apply. 

The National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) is a South African-based agency established primarily to address challenges faced by the nation’s youth. 

NYDA Products and Services 

The objective of the Jobs Fund is to co-finance projects by public, private and non-governmental organisations that will significantly contribute to job creation. This involves the use of public money to catalyse innovation and investment on behalf of a range of economic stakeholders in activities that contribute directly to enhanced employment creation in South Africa.

To address the challenge of unemployment, South Africa requires high rates of sustained economic growth. South Africa’s macro-economic policy environment, infrastructure asset base, schooling system and regulatory frameworks

The National Empowerment Fund (the NEF) is a driver and thought-leader in promoting and facilitating black economic participation by providing financial and non-financial support to black-owned and managed businesses, and by promoting a culture of savings and investment among black people. The NEF’s vision is to become the leading provider of innovative transformation solutions for an economically inclusive South Africa.