The Esayidi Rapid Incubator and Centre for Entrepreneurship (CFERI) was launched on the 12th of August 2016.  The Incubator targets clients from historically disadvantaged communities within the Ugu District and more specifically the students/graduates of Esayidi TVET College.

The Esayidi CFERI is aimed at stimulating growth in cross-cutting (mixed) SMMEs and inculcating the culture of entrepreneurship among students and graduates.The Esayidi CFE focuses on the theoretical aspects of business development and assist with the practical aspects of businesses development which include product

False Bay Centre for Entrepreneurship provides innovative business incubation and development support services in the False Bay area of Cape Town.

The mission of the CFERI is to:

  • Inculcate entrepreneurial thinking in the delivery of College vocational and occupational programmes which will support and stimulate an entrepreneurial economy.
  • Inspire young college graduates to become entrepreneurs as an attractive career choice and train these graduates through formal training and practical business experience.
  • The CFERI will also support existing businesses in the Khayelitsha and Mitchells

The Centre for Entrepreneurship & Rapid Incubator (CfERI) was launched by the Vaal University of Technology in partnership with SEDA, Department Small Business Development (DSBD) in November 2017. The CfERI transitioned to Sol Plaatje University on 01 June 2021.

The purpose of the Centre for Entrepreneurship & Rapid Incubator:

  • to support and enhance existing entrepreneurship initiatives in the ZFM District.
  • encourage entrepreneurship amongst the youth and the unemployed.
  • establish sustainable businesses that can lead to job creations.
  • support female and disabled entrepreneurs.

The West Coast College has established the CFERI through funding provided by the Small Enterprise Development Agency (SEDA) to promote youth entrepreneurship and mitigate the constraints associated with the failure of youth owned start- up and early stage enterprises within the first three years of establishment. We aim to support start-up and early stage previously disadvantaged entrepreneurs with resources and services to increase their success which is measured by profitable and self- sustaining growth- oriented ventures that will contribute to the creation of jobs and economic growth in

The Centre for Entrepreneurship Rapid Incubator (CFERI) programme is an entrepreneurial initiative focused on assisting college and university graduates in starting their own businesses. 

Lovedale CFERI’s support


  • Business Sector
  • Agriculture, ICT & Manufacturing
  • Other industries
  • Skills development & Training


  • Coaching & Mentorship
  • Business Training

Compliance & Registration

  • Tax
  • Funding Applications

Stakeholder Partnerships

  • EC Govt
  • Buffalo City MM & Amathole
  • ECDC, Other Funding & Business Support Institution


Centre for Entrepreneurship Rapid Incubator (CFERI) seeks to promote and develop young entrepreneurs in the province of Mpumalanga. The purpose of the Centre is to develop self-sustainable entrepreneurs (start and grow activities) who can make a contribution to the economy of Gert Sibande District and to become fully-fledged and legally complying economically sustainable SMEs. 

CFERI offers the following services; 

  • Mentorship and coaching;
  • Capacity development;
  • Business compliance;
  • Training and skills development;
  • Back office support; 
  • Network and linkages; and 
  • Facilitates access to

Mahikeng innovation hub (MIHub) is an innovative co-working techno hub in the heart of Mahikeng, the capital city of the North West Province, with it's focus being unearthing and cultivating innovative 4IR solutions that will ultimately assist communities to acclimatize in this vast changing technological world while improving efficiency. We specialize in;

  • Inclusive, technology-driven development
  • Early start-up Incubation
  • Prototype development
  • Hackathons
  • Skills Development

There is a large entrepreneurial gender disparity in South Africa. A recent survey shows that the average total early-stage entrepreneurial activity (TEA) female/male gender ratio is 0.70. Further statistics show that only 9% of women are involved in the early stages of entrepreneurial pursuit...

TOTH Concepts plans, designs, constructs and maintains a wide range of sustainable and resilient infrastructure solutions. From Civils and Transport, Energy, Healthcare, and Education infrastructure to ad hoc advisory services to Infrastructure Owners, we can help improve the outcomes of investments in infrastructure, for the benefit of the intended purposes and end users/customers.

Our team of qualified Professionals brings industry best practices to infrastructure projects.

Infrastructure sectors:

  • Transportation;
  • Water and Sanitation;
  • Energy;
  • ICT and
  • Solid Waste Management

The Daily Grind Hub is a facility with space for thinkers, innovators and entrepreneurs to get the support, coaching, and mobilisation they need. 

The Daily Grind Hub offers the following services; 

  1. Incubation 
    • Pre-Incubation: Innovation assessment, business plan, business modelling and training
    • Incubation: Access to finance and coaching and mentoring, hosting, training, commercialization, and advanced business planning. 
    • Post-Incubation: Innovation diagnostics, international support, technology commercialization, clustering business development. 
  2. Co-Working Spaces
  3. Codetrepre