OceanHub Africa is an ocean-impact catalyst with the mission to connect, inspire and support entrepreneurs, investors, researchers, businesses and other stakeholders to accelerate the development and adoption of new sustainable ocean solutions across Africa.

What we do

Acceleration programme

Personal, product and business development for start-up market and investor readiness. Applications are now open!


Support for the development of policies for the local blue economy in African countries.

Ecosystem development support

Through our multiple ecosystem programmes, such as Ocean

Impact Amplifier is a South African based advisory firm focused on accelerating and investing in social and environmental innovation on the African continent.  It delivers acceleration services directly as well as through its unique white-labelled online platform, Impact OS, for other incubators and accelerators to use.

Impact Amplifier believes in:

  • Impact Intra and Entrepreneurs
  • Social and Ecological Justice
  • Big Risks
  • Building Ecosystems
  • Meritocracies
  • Becoming Our Best Selves

Impact Amplifiers Services.

  • Accelerating Social Enterprises - Impact Amplifier offers a range of

Ignitor is an enterprise support programme that engages with South Africa's best entrepreneurs, inventors, scientists and artists and supports them to create and scale their innovations. 

Enterprise Elevator is a partner-driven incubator designed to scale high-growth tech businesses that provide positive social impact.

It is a South African-based collaborative business accelerator programme focused on high-grow technology enterprises that are motivated by the social challenges confronting the African continent.

Its mission is to reduce unemployment in emerging markets through the promotion of and investment in entrepreneurship.

Enterprise Elevator achieves this by discovering the best social impact start-ups in emerging markets and helping them succeed on a global scale.


Aurik Business Accelerator is a business accelerator that provides customised business growth programmes aimed at growing a business to the next level. 



Digital Health Cape Town is a digital health accelerator in South Africa.

Through corporate-start-up partnerships,  social impact ventures and business innovation ecosystems, we help high-growth, high social impact businesses to succeed, and we support established enterprises that are at risk of being disrupted. 

This work includes:

  • Strategic business development, new ventures, investor pitches, and business planning
  • Corporate innovation strategy and implementation
  • Corporate /start-up ecosystem development,  partnerships, and community development 
  • Pharma innovation, change and

Smorgasbord is dedicated to supporting and incubating food start-ups. 

Creating, curating and building new engagement platforms around food and beverage is our mission.

We are concerned with the growing need for sustainable food ecosystems that are accessible to all across the African continent.

And we aim to create public-private-government conversation, participation and action across all sectors of the modern food system.


Our services Research

Food and beverage trend analysis and delivery from a local, continental and global perspective.


Curating food and beverage dining

WomHub provides hub support programmes and co-working facilities for female-founded teams.

It offers a suite of services, from tailored services for the individual founder all the way through to working with corporations that are focussed on building a diverse supply chain and workforce that is ready for the future. ​​

The UCT GSB Solution Space is an ecosystem for high-impact early-stage start-ups, corporate innovation, and entrepreneurship development.

With a focus on innovation through collaboration, our approach involves holistic capacity building for entrepreneurs.

It supports entrepreneurs' learning and growth by giving them access to resources, corporate partners, mentors, advisory services, co-working space, and academic and industry experts.

UCT GSB programmes:

  • MBA Innovation & Entrepreneurship Programme - A future-looking programme that focuses on innovation and the creation and scale-up of

Injini is an edtech incubator and seed investment programme that aims to improve educational outcomes in sub-Saharan Africa. 

The organisation offers the following to selected African edtech ventures: 

  • Financial support – in the form of grant funding or investment.
  • Coaching – sponsored consultations with industry experts and subject matter specialists on topics ranging from curriculum design to marketing to financial management to impact M&E and much more.
  • Mentorship – from the Injini team and experienced business leaders in relevant sectors.
  • Strategy support from the Injini team and