Ms Lyverne Prinsloo, the innovator behind Beeyond Drones, discovered the vast potential of drones while working on a project that combined cybersecurity and physical security. Realising that drones could revolutionise industries far beyond just one organisation, she felt the need to inform South Africans about this emerging industry. "I wanted to create more work opportunities and help start other drone businesses so we can all prosper," she says.

Beeyond Drones has since made significant contributions to society. The company assists police with drone surveillance to enhance community safety and runs a high school drone programming course. "We want to ensure our learners are prepared for the Fourth Industrial Revolution careers," Lyverne explains, emphasizing roles like Drone Pilots, Maintenance Technicians and Cybersecurity Specialists.

However, as a female entrepreneur in the male-dominated aviation field, Lyverne faced various challenges. She shares how she overcame them, "I made sure to complete all the required drone pilot exams and obtain the necessary licenses to earn respect and feel worthy during business discussions," she shares. 

Her advice to other female entrepreneurs? "Operate in your femininity—do not try to outwork men. Stay true to your course and focus on your business, even during the tough times. Know that it will work out and you will be successful."

Contact Lyverne via the anonymous contact form on the Innovation Bridge Portal or the Beeyond Drones website. 

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