Centre for Entrepreneurship Rapid Incubator - Orbit TVET College
Overview of Organisation
The ORBIT TVET College Centre for Entrepreneurship was founded out of generous funding from the Department of Small Business Development and SEDA Technology programme. The purpose of the Centre for Entrepreneurship is to provide Generic Enterprise Development Services/Interventions and Incubation to ORBIT TVET College graduate students and members from its focused communities.
Key reasons for the establishment of the Centre are:
- Contributing towards promotion of entrepreneurship through the current college curriculum.
- Assisting college graduates who cannot be absorbed by the labour market in starting their own businesses for self-employment.
- Incubating potential youth-owned enterprises, especially those with an automotive repair and maintenance background.
- Offering world-class enterprise development services and interventions, including incubation of promising businesses, first to college graduates and then to members of college-focused communities.
Assistance Areas Offered
Accelerators and Incubators
Marketing and Sales
Specialization Sector/s
Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Mining and quarrying
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
Transportation and storage
Accommodation and food service activities
Information and communication
Financial and insurance activities
Professional, scientific and technical activities
Administrative and support service activities
Public administration and defence; compulsory social security
Human health and social work activities
Arts, entertainment and recreation