The programme seeks to accelerate the growth and success of entrepreneurial enterprises and allow for a culture of entrepreneurship among graduates. This is done through a number of business and technology support not limited to physical space, business infrastructure, coaching, common services, and market access. The Centre for Entrepreneurship Rapid Incubator (CFERI) accelerates economic growth, job creation and poverty eradication. Secondly, the CFERI promotes research and development within the business incubation ecosystem.

CFERI Offerings; 


  • The programme

The ORBIT TVET College Centre for Entrepreneurship was founded out of generous funding from the Department of Small Business Development and SEDA Technology programme. The purpose of the Centre for Entrepreneurship is to provide Generic Enterprise Development Services/Interventions and Incubation to ORBIT TVET College graduate students and members from its focused communities.

Key reasons for the establishment of the Centre are:

  • Contributing towards promotion of entrepreneurship through the current college curriculum.
  • Assisting college graduates who cannot be absorbed by the labour market

The Center for Entrepreneurship and Rapid Incubation is a tool for fostering an entrepreneurial culture and supporting up-and-coming business owners, which will eventually reduce youth unemployment.

While the Rapid Incubator concentrates on the college, it also provides services to all industries and small enterprises in the Katlehong catchment area in an effort to generate fresh ideas and support youth-owned and -operated firms.

The Centre for Entrepreneurship Rapid Incubator (CFERI) programme is an entrepreneurial initiative focused on assisting college and university graduates in starting their own businesses. 

Lovedale CFERI’s support


  • Business Sector
  • Agriculture, ICT & Manufacturing
  • Other industries
  • Skills development & Training


  • Coaching & Mentorship
  • Business Training

Compliance & Registration

  • Tax
  • Funding Applications

Stakeholder Partnerships

  • EC Govt
  • Buffalo City MM & Amathole
  • ECDC, Other Funding & Business Support Institution


The Daily Grind Hub is a facility with space for thinkers, innovators and entrepreneurs to get the support, coaching, and mobilisation they need. 

The Daily Grind Hub offers the following services; 

  1. Incubation 
    • Pre-Incubation: Innovation assessment, business plan, business modelling and training
    • Incubation: Access to finance and coaching and mentoring, hosting, training, commercialization, and advanced business planning. 
    • Post-Incubation: Innovation diagnostics, international support, technology commercialization, clustering business development. 
  2. Co-Working Spaces
  3. Codetrepre

I just registered my company and want to provide accommodation for the community 

Imbaliyesizwe Beaded Jewellery, which means "the flower of the nation," is a company that produces beaded bracelets, bangles, earrings, and necklaces.Imbaliyesizwe Beaded Jewellery, which means "the flower of the nation," is a company that produces beaded bracelets, bangles, earrings, and necklaces.

Softstart BTI provides an integrated package of workspace, shared office services, access to specialized equipment and value-added services like management assistance, access to finance, marketing and networking support.

Softstart Business and Technology Incubator (Softstart BTI) has full support and sponsorship from the SEDA Technology Programme (STP) a programme under the Small Enterprise Development Agency of the DSBD. 

Business Development Areas:

  • Technology - The design and development of the actual products and services that will be delivered to the customer.
  • Operational - The

Recycling and upcycling, contractor management, engineering and general construction, maintenance, and supplies; organic farming; and development and empowerment are some of the services we provide. Our primary focus is on eco-friendly solutions.

Propella is one of the first business hubs in South Africa to be fully geared for Business 4.0.

Exciting new IT and advanced manufacturing businesses share the same building to encourage cooperation between innovators in both sectors.

Support for the development of technologies for Smart Cities come through a partnership between Engeli Enterprise Development (EDD), a private sector business support company and Innovolve, the wholly-owned commercialisation company of Nelson Mandela University (NMU).

Propella helps commercialise the research and development being conducted at the NMU, as well