Overview of Business

The proposed agribusiness venture will focus on the cultivation, processing, packaging, storage, and sale of natural medicines, essential oils, and seed oils. By capitalizing on the growing demand for alternative medicine and nutritional foods, the business will offer a diverse range of products made from locally sourced plants and herbs. This initiative aims to meet market demand while creating employment opportunities for local harvesters and farm workers.

Stage of Business
Industries Served
Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities
Agribusiness and Agbio
Growing of spices, aromatic, drug and pharmaceutical crops
Post-Harvest Technologies
Seed processing for propagation
Forestry and logging
Gathering of non-wood forest products
Silviculture and other forestry activities
Support services to forestry
Cultural education
Educational support activities
Higher education
Sports and recreation education
Technical and vocational secondary education
Human health and social work activities
Human health activities
FoodTech and Food Science
Health Technologies
Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Complementary Medicine
Natural Resources
Pharmaceuticals and Biopharmaceuticals
Country / HQ
South Africa
Funding required
Government funding
Venture Capital
Angel Investment
Equity Investment
Seed funding