Chalcopyrite is a common but low-grade copper ore, and NWU researchers have developed an innovative method to improve copper dissolution and extraction from this mineral. This is achieved by harnessing galvanic interactions between chalcopyrite and magnetite, they achieved more efficient copper
Hysteroscopy is a procedure that requires the direct visualization of the uterine cavity to diagnose and treat abnormal uterine conditions. Health professionals regard it as the gold‑ standard for diagnosis because of its effectiveness and efficiency. Traditional hysteroscopy systems, and the
Our invention consists of an array of Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) sensors that are synchronized with one another. The IMU sensors measure the inertia and position of the subject within a space. The IMUs’ output is their collective measurement of inertia and forces, generating big data. The data
Background The nucleus of a cell is central to the well-being of any living organism. It stores and organises information from other cellular components and protects this information. It communicates with the rest of the cell, exchanges RNA and facilitates several important processes. The nuclear
Background Various cancers, including gynecological cancers, are becoming resistant or insensitive to platinum-based chemotherapy and consequently higher dosages are required to be effective. Unfortunately, most of these chemotherapeutic drugs cause undesirable systemic effects such as cardiac or
The North-West University (NWU) has developed and patented a method for producing hydrogen via hydrolysis, using an activated aluminium compound. Technology Benefits: Aluminum also can be recycled after the hydrogen production process. Hydrogen can be produced under high pressure. By-products are
The multi-tubular fixed-bed reactor is one of the most successful reactors used in a chemical process. However, hot spots can be formed easily in the fixed bed in a highly exothermic reaction system because of the relatively low heat transfer capacity of the tubular reactor. It is widely reported
This technology utilises a microchannel reactor for the decomposition of ammonia, comprising two chambers: one for exothermic combustion of ammonia to generate heat. A second chamber of the reactor with a second catalyst receives a second stream of ammonia to provide endothermic decomposition of the
T his technology relates to a novel process for a One-step Mass- Production of various nanofluids in a modified version of laser ablation in open atmosphere. According to a first aspect of the invention, there is provided with a method of producing a nanofluid, the method including laser ablating a
This invention relates to a Femtosecond Laser-based method for the fabrication of micro- and nano-constriction type structures on a YBa2Cu3O7-x Superconducting thin film and to a new superconductor device. According to one aspect of the invention, there is a method of manufacturing micro- and nano
The invention provides a silicon pn-based device with different dopant and impurity implanted concentrations stra­tegically placed in the device, the pn junction being reverse biased, such that the 650 nm optical emission is stimulated and enhanced. The Light-Emitting Diode (LED) Grow Lights Market
This technology relates to the transdermal treatment of diabetes. In particular, to a formulation for the transdermal delivery of the photoactive antidiabetic agent diosgenin that is encapsulated and protected by an oil-in-water nanoemulsion matrix for the treatment of type 11 diabetes Mellitus