North-West University
Overview of innovation

Chalcopyrite is a common but low-grade copper ore, and NWU researchers have developed an innovative method to improve copper dissolution and extraction from this mineral. This is achieved by harnessing galvanic interactions between chalcopyrite and magnetite, they achieved more efficient copper recovery. In the process, magnetite acts as a leaching additive and enhances copper dissolution from chalcopyrite. The process achieves a high copper recovery and fast dissolution rates under moderate reaction conditions.

Market Opportunity

Chalcopyrite is a critical source of copper, accounting for nearly 70% of global copper reserves. However, its slow dissolution kinetics pose significant challenges for efficient copper extraction. Traditional methods like flotation and pyrometallurgy are economically unfeasible for low-grade chalcopyrite ores. 

Furthermore, pyrometallurgical processes are energy-intensive and emit pollutants. This technology provides an alternative as a more sustainable process.

Type of Intellectual Property protection
Innovation Opportunity Type
​Mining and quarrying
Mining of metal ores
Technology Readiness Level
TRL 3 – Proof of concept created
Brochures, business plans, prospectus or other documents
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