This technology relates to the transdermal treatment of diabetes. In particular, to a formulation for the transdermal delivery of the photoactive antidiabetic agent diosgenin that is encapsulated and protected by an oil-in-water nanoemulsion matrix for the treatment of type 11 diabetes Mellitus
The innovation is the rational combination of ezetimibe and curcumin for the treatment of colon cancer- which means one can apply a cancer therapeutic, orally. This would have significant value to the African population and solve key issues like the packaging and distribution of chemotherapeutic
The technology involves a method and an apparatus for treating a fluid, using nanoscience. Impurities in the fluid are trapped by nanoparticles. The fluid is contained in a reactor that includes a moving magnetic system. When the reactor is in use, the moving magnetic system excites the charged
The Bambara Groundnut, or round bean, is widespread in Africa where it is known by various names. It has potential as a cash crop, owing to its nutritional composition, functional properties and antioxidant potential. Consequently, we at CPUT have used the Bambara Groundnut as a raw material to

The invention relates to an automated process for fabricating nano and micro structures using high temperature superconducting quantum interference device (SQUIDS). This method overcomes the high cost and complexity in the manufacturing process of superconductors for a commercial scale or mass

Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) is an aquatic weed which has one of the highest growth rates of all plants in the world. This fast-growing plant causes numerous problems in water bodies. These problems are related to navigation, recreation, irrigation and hydropower generation. The complete


South Africa harbours the highest number of rape incidents in the world, and sexual assault and rape cases in the entire SADC region are estimated at a minimum of 55 000 cases per year. Crime scene investigations utilise DNA technology on a regular basis. In cases of rape or sexual abuse, male

Sol-gel Long Lasting Power These long-lasting and significantly safer batteries are novel because of their sol-gel base. A uniform carbon coating process produces high-performance lithium-ion batteries. This method makes use of organic phosphoric acid as carbon and phosphoric sources to produce

In the manufacture of textiles, clothing and leather goods, using a nanoparticle catalyst, this one-step wastewater treatment system activates a powerful oxidiser. This produces sulfate radicals in the wastewater which will degrade the inorganic pollutants. These highly reactive nanoparticles are

Coarse particle transportation is essential for moving slurries, or fluids containing very high concentrations of pulverised solids, for example, hydraulic transport of coal ore or waste materials. Due to a scarcity of water and a high concentration of the solid particles, pipe blockages are common

BamPro: A Bambara Nut Probiotic Beverage This drinking probiotic is made from an indigenous ground nut and is set to take the healthy food scene by storm. BamPro is high in protein, high in anti-oxidants, low in cholesterol, gluten-free, lactose-free, and generally delicious. Finally, BamPro has