We are part of UNDP’s drive to be an incubator for the future. To accelerate progress towards the 2030 Agenda, we need to be fast and curious. The Accelerator Labs are designed to close the gap between the current practices of international development at an accelerated pace of change. They model a new capability to make breakthroughs in the future of development: inequality, decarbonization, the 4th industrial revolution, and new forms of governance.

In an effort to improve service delivery and ensure the effective administration of Business and Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) registration, the Business and Intellectual Property Authority (BIPA) has been established as an agency of the Ministry of Industrialization and Trade (MIT).

The ease with which an entrepreneur can set up and operate a business, and the protection of industrial property rights, are important business decisions. To this end, BIPA fulfills a critical function within Namibian society by solidifying government efforts toward business development in Namibia.


Zaawood Joinery and Carpentry specialize in joinery and carpentry work such as built-in cupboards, partitions, ceilings, door installation, headboards, and many more.


Acute Capital Partners is a business advisory services company. At Acute Capital Partners we pride ourselves in our ability to meet the needs of our clients locally, regionally and internationally, as well as our bespoke strength in pairing local equities with international investors.


Acute Capital believes that the implementation of its business strategy requires active management by a team with significant experience in private equity investing, business operations and corporate strategy as well as a high level of financial expertise.


Acute's approach to

Namibia Savings & Investment Association (NaSIA) represents the majority of the country's Asset Managers, Collective Investment Scheme (CIS) management companies, Linked Investment Service Providers (LISPs) and life insurance companies.

NaSIA was formed in 2017 by members of the Association for Unit Trusts in Namibia (AUTN), the Investment Managers Association of Namibia (IMAN) and the Life Assurers Association of Namibia (LAAN). These associations disbanded and their assets and activities were transferred to NaSIA.

NaSIA's members are considered the custodian of the bulk of the nation's

Kongalend is a development-oriented microfinance institution.

Kongalend Financial Services (Kongalend), is a Namibian pioneer development microfinance institution regulated by the Namibia Financial Institutions Supervisory Authority (NAMFISA), (Ref. No. 25/11/356), under the Microlending Act, 2018 (Act No.7 of 2018). Kongalend provides a range of development-oriented credit products designed to meet the financial needs of low-income micro-entrepreneurs to unlock their economic potential, generate income and create jobs for their fellow citizens who cannot be absorbed into the formal economy.

The Development Bank of Namibia is mandated to contribute to the development of Namibia and the socio-economic wellbeing of its citizens.

The goals that it sets itself are ambitious. In order to achieve its vision of prosperity, the Bank continuously evolves and develops its capacity with the aim of being an exceptional agent of economic development.

To achieve prosperity,
the Bank transforms the private sector through finance for larger enterprises in key economic sectors that are expected to deliver development impact, economic activity and employment, particularly in the fields of

Business Partners Africa provides specialised business finance,  as one of the leading business loan providers for viable SMEs unlock business value in over 523 business finance transactions. We’ve approved finance to the tune of US$ 123 million+ to established entrepreneurs. We finance established entrepreneurs.

1.Business Finance

Providing finance ranging from US$100 000 to US$ 1 million to established entrepreneurs with a viable formal business. We tailor our finance to meet your business’s unique needs and negotiate pricing and repayment terms with you. We assess your business for

Cirrus Capital is our holding company and capital-raising/ corporate advisory arm, its goal at inception is the need to both develop Namibia’s financial sector depth and develop suitable financing methods for Namibian real sector development.

Since 2017, Cirrus Capital has completed over N$3 billion (U$200m) worth of capital raising and transaction advisory projects, in both large and small transactions. Working through Cirrus Capital helps to remove the obvious bottlenecks between investors and beneficiaries, helping to create wealth and jobs for Namibians, while making it easy for all