The Technology Station in Chemicals (TSC) is situated at Mangosuthu University of Technology (MUT) in Umlazi. MUT provides technological support and promotes innovation for Small Medium Enterprises in the Manufacturing and Chemical sector.

Technology Competencies and Offerings:

  • Environmental Pollution Control;
  • Pilot Batch Processing Unit;
  • Process Design and Development;
  • Product Design, Development and Improvement;
  • Setting Product Quality Standards;
  • Technology Audits;
  • Technology Information Support;
  • Training; and 
  • Waste and Effluent Management

Adaptronics Advanced Manufacturing Technology Laboratory (AMTL) is located at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT), Bellville Campus. The primary objective of the unit is to specialise as a national manufacturing, research and educational resource centre for Adaptronics Technologies in South Africa. Adaptronics is the technology that integrates sensor and actuator functions into materials, components and structures so that they may react to environment stimuli thus making them intelligent.

Technology Competencies and Offerings:

  • Adaptronics Technology;
  • Automotive Technologies

InnoVenton: Institute for Chemical Technology is a formally registered Research Institute at the Nelson Mandela University (NMU), whose principle research focus is in Product and Process Development. The Institute strives to be self-sustaining through income generated from services to industry, income from technology transfer projects and royalties from patents.

The institute incorporates the Downstream Chemicals Technology Station, a government-funded initiative to make available high-level research, technological services and training, to technology-based Small and Medium Enterprises, and

eNtsa is recognised as a prominent research, design and technology support unit for the advanced manufacturing sector in South Africa, based in Port Elizabeth at the Nelson Mandela University (NMU).

eNtsa's main focus is to support and stimulate engineering innovation in order to improve the competitiveness of local manufacturers which will enable industry exploit and development of new markets. Growing the manufacturing economy in South Africa holds the key to sustainable job creation and improved quality of life. This forms the drive of eNtsa to provide innovative research and advanced

The Technology Station in Rural Sustainable Development (TSRSD) is located at Upington in the Northern Cape. The Station is affiliated to the Vaal University of Technology (VUT) Sebokeng's campus. It forms part of the VUT's Technology Transfer and Innovation Directorate. As such, it is supported by an Enterprise Development Unit; Iscor Innovation Centre; Engineering Manufacturing Centre (EMC) and Institute for Chemical and Biotechnology at the Sebokeng Campus.

TSRSD offers two types of consulting and training services. The first type focusses on product development and the improvement of

The Technology Station in Clothing and Textiles (TSCT) is located at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT), Bellville Campus. The TSCT was established to provide innovation support to SMEs in the clothing and textile industry to become more competitive.

Technology Competencies and Offerings

  • Manufacturing Advisory Services
  • Product Analysis and Testing
  • Product Development
  • Research
  • Training
  • Short Courses

Technology Platform

A facility to demonstrate range of specialised technology and available to SMEs to develop prototypes. A number of specialised machines available for

The Technology Stations Programme (TSP) was established to enable Universities of Technology (UoT) to provide technology development services to small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The Technology Stations (TS) provide innovative Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) solutions for complex engineering challenges within the relevant industrial sectors aimed at supporting government's socio-economic priorities.

There are 18 TS based at 11 Higher Education Institutions in South Africa, managed by the TSP Unit based in Pretoria at the Technology Innovation Agency (TIA) office. The TSP is a

Savant is a commercially-focused hardware technology incubator that provides bespoke business development support. Savant partners with highly skilled science and technology inventors for their start-up growth journey.

Savant Technology Incubator de-risks hardware technology development and ensures that the start-ups that house these ground-breaking innovations are commercially driven and investable. Savant brings unrivalled technology commercialisation know-how and experience to the South African start-up landscape. We offer bespoke commercialisation support to hardware technology inventors

RLabs is a South African award-winning non-profit company, established in 2009 in Bridgetown, Cape Town. The RLabs model has since been expanded to 23 countries across 5 continents impacting more than 15 million people through our work. The main aim of RLabs is to create environments and systems where people are impacted, empowered and transformed through HOPE, Innovation, Technology, Training and Economic Opportunities. To date, more than 200,000 people have accessed RLabs skills, training and economic empowerment programmes

RLabs provides a support programme for small businesses and

JoziHub is a co-creation space in Johannesburg dedicated to creating sustainable change in Africa. Jozihub help's and supports entrepreneurs that are making an impact on the technological landscape in South Africa. The Jozihub ecosystem connects technologists, entrepreneurs and designers to bring about social change and innovation. Jozihub is more than a co-working space, it’s an entrepreneurial ecosystem providing a community network, workspace, event space, workshops, mentorship and further benefits to its members.

Jozihub Offerings;

Membership options 

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