Delft Imaging is a social enterprise and envisions a world in which everyone can benefit from the modern world advances in the field of healthcare. It is this belief that drives our mission to develop and deliver unique health innovations, particularly affordable, innovative diagnostic imaging devices, and e-health software that responds to the specific needs of vulnerable communities around the world. Our main solutions are X-ray systems, Artificial Intelligence software, Mobile Clinic, and Diagnostic Center. Over the past decade, Delft Imaging has particularly been focusing on the screening

TeleAfya in partnership with Etechtouch connects patients to board-certified doctors, Nurses, Nurse Assistants, Mid-Wives and diagnostic labs 24 hours a day.

Afrobodies is a South African based biotechnology company. We specialise in making recombinant alpaca antibodies. Our antibodies are 90% smaller and more adaptable to customer needs than 99% of antibodies currently on the global market. These properties make them ideal for sensitive detection of chemicals, proteins, viruses and bacteria. Afrobodies develops antibodies for customers in the following three sectors. 1- Life Sciences research, Immunodiagnostics and Agriculture. We are currently looking to expand our immunotherapy portfolio with some exciting new ventures.

AfricaBio is an independent, not-for-profit biotechnology stakeholder association based in Pretoria, South Africa. The association was established in 1999 to promote the safe, ethical and responsible research, development and use of biotechnology and its products in South Africa and the region. It has a dedicated secretariat, a Chief Executive Officer and a Board of Directors. Its mandate is to provide accurate information, create awareness and understanding as well as knowledge on biotechnology and biosafety in the African region. AfricaBio has membership that spans from major global

Foi Science was founded by Nomahlubi Nazo a Cosmetic Formulation Scientist and Polymer Technologist. What sets us apart from other companies is that we custom design skincare solutions according to an individual’s skincare needs because everyone is different and so are their needs. We are able to manufacture quality skincare at affordable prices because we make our own cosmetic actives and biopolymers in-house through an innovative beneficiation process.


LivU Naturals is our natural skincare range suited for babies and adults that love natural products for skin repair and wound

Anathoth Solutions designs hands-free solutions for persons with disabilities, such as retractable backpacks and umbrella holders for wheelchairs.

A startup that is meant to help save lives by applying Data Science. Savelivez help blood banks and hospitals reduce blood shortages and save money through dynamic data-driven decisions. Our dream is to make Brazil a reference in solving the lack and waste of blood and help solve this worldwide problem. One in every five persons will, one day, need a blood transfusion, yet the blood supply chain is plagued by volatile demand and often poorly controlled supply. Seeking to correct this, SaveLivez created a system to integrate each stage, going from demand forecasting, through ideal stock level

Monichron helps 5 million South Africans breathe easier by monitoring their breathing in real time providing them with the security that if they have a problem someone will be alerted on time with accurate health data. We assist 500 thousand epileptic patients to sleep easier knowing their epileptic fits are being monitored.

Our Unique Approach

  • We test people’s lungs and monitor their oxygen
  • Our smartwatch sends a person’s vital information including 02, ECG, temperature, HR, epileptic fit, location (within a meter) and any other event information to a central patient record.
  • We link

Established in 2016. Mkazi Concepts is a black female-founded and 100% youth-owned level 1 BBEEE contributor. We specialize in global performance technologies, and socioeconomic research algorithms and develop solutions that identify and minimize gaps in key administrative processes, thus, saving businesses time and increasing productivity. Our systems aim to strengthen and improve the quality of life for South Africa's lower and middle-income economy and the overall public. We develop and integrate effective, sustainable low-cost technologies, systems and tools to rapidly enhance health and

Biosafety SA is a service platform within the national biotech innovation system, under the auspices of the Department of Science and Innovation. It enables safe, sustainable and compliant research, development, production, use and application of biotechnology - in particular GMOs