Grabouw Based operation.   We use the dual thrust of Hydro Power and Industrial Hemp to bring Economic opportunity to the greater population of the Grabouw Valley

With the Plentiful river structure and a large number of dams, we are working with the Large Scale Apple Farmers and Fruit juice producers to identify and develop a local electricity grid, the benefits of this are twofold: Dependable low-cost electricity and significant improvement in Grabouw Carbon Footprint.

Industrial hemp has multiple benefits. Firstly drawdown,  with a drawdown rate of approximately 20 tons of toxic gas per

SEED was founded at the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg by UN Environment, UNDP and IUCN as a global partnership for action on sustainable development and the green economy. SEED is based on the understanding that the promotion of social and environmental entrepreneurship is pivotal for environmentally friendly and socially inclusive development and poverty reduction.

SEED works with growing enterprises and aspiring entrepreneurs in its Enterprise Support programmes to strategise, optimise and award achievements in eco-inclusive entrepreneurship.

SEED offerings 

Angel Network Botswana (ANB) is a network of business angels seeking to invest their personal funds in growth-oriented start-up businesses with exciting products and services. They are experienced in investing, leading due diligence, structuring investments, and mentoring entrepreneurs.

They form an extensive peer network of domain expertise and contacts for subsequent funding, talent and technology. We give the entrepreneurs we invest in access to networks and mentorship with the aim of building a sustainable business ecosystem.

Our members come from different industries and backgrounds

Process Energy and Environmental Technology Station (PEETS) is located at the University of Johannesburg (UJ) Mapulong Building, Doornfontein Campus. The primary mandate of the UJ-PEETS is to contribute toward improving the competitiveness of Industry in the green economy through the application of specialized knowledge and technology transfer. UJ-PEETS facilitate the interaction between academia, industry (especially SMEs) and government. To achieve our mission, UJ-PEETS supports various capacity building and policy influencing initiatives to grow the green economy, while providing

YNot Manufacturing is a start-up, focused on finding innovative solutions to assist in the climate change and housing shortage faced by South Africa. We do this through the manufacturing of low cost bricks and roof tiles from plastic waste. We employ a combination of recycled concrete rubble and granulated plastic waste to produce a strong and more durable building material. We believe this would assist the government in combating the amount of plastic that ends up in landfills and beaches, also this would assist the government in the housing shortage through the provision of cheaper building

LCM Capital is an alternative investment company incorporated under Botswana Companies Act on 8 February 2017 with a primary focus on Investment, Risk and Governance. LCM Capital Four core business areas are Asset Management, Private Equity, Research and Analytics and Startup Advisory services and solutions to companies. As a homegrown business with an international outlook on the fund administration landscape, our mandate is to ensure that funds are managed appropriately with an outcome of robust risk adjusted returns, profitability and capital preservation. The company also strives to grow

beAfriBusiness is a development company foundered by a young South African entrepreneur, who develops projects in the Solar, Water and Agri Sector, beAfriBusiness develops projects in countries with high scarcity of water and arable land, farmers are encouraged to use solar energy and smart Agri technology to increase produce and productivity. Water is a critical input for agricultural production and plays an important role in food security. Due to population growth, urbanization, and climate change, competition for water resources is expected to increase, with a particular impact on

UW is a multi-stage investor that provides growth and replacement capital across the equity cycle. Its activities span from high-growth ventures to mid-market private equity.

UW derives its philosophy from its name – “Umkhathi Wethu” is isiZulu for “Our Universe”. We believe in investing in and managing companies for the long term alongside management, co-investors and our institutional investment partners.

UW engages in two main activities:

Venture Capital

  • We make early-stage and transformational investments in a wide variety of emerging companies with dynamic founding teams.
  • We

An easy to use digital platform that is a world first in many ways with features such as business and legal services by advisors, loyalty options for aspiring entrepreneurs with fresh ideas, growing business owners or businesses in need of a restructure.

Featuring an investment marketplace to load your ideas to attract investors with the assistance of our advisors to make it ”Finance Ready” to startup, scale an existing business or to facilitate a business exit.

Investment opportunities lined up perfectly with our existing investors or through one of our global partners, blended investment


SABAN (South African Business Angel Network) is the non-profit, professional association for the South African early stage investor community. Established in 2016, SABAN represents a sector that plays a vital role in South Africa’s future, notably in the funding of Start-Ups. SABAN members fuel SA’s growth through the creation of wealth and jobs.


– Raising awareness of Angel investing activity 

– Capacity building / training

– Networking with peers

– Research

– Accreditation

– Seeding Angel Groups in major economic hubs

– Lobbying for regulatory improvements

– Recognise