The Namibia Mineworkers Investment Holdings Company (NAM-MIC Holdings) (Pty) Ltd was incorporated on 7th July 1997 when the National Executive Committee of Mineworkers Union of Namibia (MUN) created the Namibia Miners Investment Trust (NAMIT). The main business objective of Nam-mic Holdings is to act as principal investing in movable and immovable property, both  corporeal  of every description and in particular, patent rights, land, building, shares, stocks, debentures, debenture stock, mortgage and other bonds, obligation and securities of all kinds whether by way of purchase, original

Nampro Fund is an investment fund established to support SME suppliers that require funding to execute contracts. With the Government Institutions Pension Fund (GIPF) as its founding investor, the Fund has N$600 million under management. Our primary focus is to provide required short-term working capital facilities to SMEs that have been awarded supply contracts by large, reputable organisations, that are defined as large private companies, State Owned Enterprises (SOEs), local authorities, development institutions, regional councils, the central government and so forth.

Hangala Capital is the financial services arm of Hangala Group, established to drive investment management activities in asset management and private equity businesses, respectively

Hangala Capital Investment Management a.quantitative investment Management Company specializing in the portfolio and risk management of institutional, pension, provident fund and retail assets. Hangala Capital Investment Management also formulates and implements risk management structures to enhance the risk-adjusted return profiles of portfolios.

The Königstein capital group was established in 2009 as an independent unlisted investment manager that focuses on private equity and venture capital fund management in the Namibian market. The management team has extensive experience in various sectors of the economy gained over the last 35 years.

Catalyst Investment Managers (CIM) is a privately owned, independent investment management firm that was established in 2017 with the principal purpose of putting clients' interests first and giving Namibians the opportunity to manage their own money.

Catalyst Investment Managers is a true Namibian investment management firm. The company’s objective is to strive towards becoming a significant player in the Namibian investment management industry by managing clients’ assets from Namibia.

The firm’s objective is to build a strong sustainable business, offering private and institutional clients

Allan Gray Namibia is an independent investment manager founded in 1996. We share the investment philosophy and purpose of the broader Allan Gray group.

FNB Swaziland is part of the FirstRand group.

FNB Lesotho Limited is a subsidiary of FNB, division of FirstRand Bank Limited

At FNB Namibia, we offer our customers a range of products and services to suit their personal and business financial needs. We also focus on the community and strive to make a difference in the lives of our fellow Namibians.

FNB Botswana is the largest commercial bank in the country. We provide a full range of banking services to individuals, businesses, large and small through our array of technologically driven services.