Spinnaker Growth Partners is an investment and advisory firm focusing on medium-sized companies with high-growth potential in South Africa.

We help mid-sized companies to capture growth opportunities. This is done by providing tailored business development support and access to the required growth capital. We also assist corporates and state-owned enterprises to take a more strategic approach to supplier development, working with their suppliers to deliver shared value for both parties. Our team has significant investment and top-tier management consulting expertise. Combined with our

My Growth Fund is a venture capitalist, supplier development and enterprise development firm in South Africa.

With our overall goal to enhance and contribute to the economic upliftment of Africa, we provide the tools innovators need to shatter the status quo. Our accelerator, incubators, masterclasses & investments make us the only wall-to-wall enterprise and supplier development company in South Africa. Since 2014 we’ve obsessively honed what we are good at providing the expert skills, business support and access to capital that entrepreneurs and businesses need to sustainably grow. We are

Grindstone Ventures is a post-seed fund that supports early-stage innovation-driven companies to enable them to deliver capital growth and sustainable cash yields over the long term.

Grindstone Ventures is female-led and looking for technology companies with strong intellectual property and evident growth potential, with the aim of delivering capital growth and sustainable cash yields over the long term.


We understand what it takes to start and grow a business to the point of real scaling. You need resilience, loads of patience, a good sense of humour and real grit

Jozi Angels is an angel network in Johannesburg that exists to grow the startup ecosystem and facilitate the growth of innovative startups in South Africa. 

Through our broader network we have sourced the hottest startups and facilitated several investments. Our members are approved investors serious about providing capital and coaching to early stage companies. Our our mission is to further develop the startup ecosystem through investment, events and education. We facilitate investments in to startups that suit the investor’s professional background while at the same time supporting South

Adinah is an investment management company focused on investing in private companies and taking advantage of unlisted investment opportunities in new and old companies that are innovative, disruptive and solve structural inefficiencies in the value and supply chain of companies and economies.

Adinah was founded in 2013 with the sole focus of making private company, start-up venture and tactical investments in South and Sub-Saharan Africa. It was consciously set up as an owner led and managed, “new” South African company, cognizant of the dignity and responsibility towards the countries and

The Edge Venture Fund is a growth capital impact fund investing in innovative, scale-up businesses in South Africa managed by Edge Growth, a leading fund manager that has been supporting SMEs since 2008.

Edge Growth achieves real transformation by partnering with corporates and growing Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) who in turn create jobs for the unemployed. We grow SMEs by addressing the key constraints they face:

  • Access to finance
  • Access to corporate markets
  • Access to skills

We partner with our committed corporate clients to design and implement bespoke ESD solutions that

Talent10 Holdings is an investment holding company that maximises value creation by providing financial support, strategic, managerial, sales and marketing expertise, access to diverse commercial networks as well as deal making expertise.

Talent10 Holdings was established by its founders as an investment holding company in October 2012 with the vision that by 2020 we would be a significant investment holding company in South Africa with a diversified and integrated portfolio of companies that could have a significantly broader societal impact by growing the businesses and its people. The

Its a company holding a boutique, restaurants. We order online things for selling from all world.

BEDCO is a parastatal of the Government of Lesotho, with a mandate to support entrepreneurial capacity building programmes, startup incubation, business advisory and technical training as well as develop Basotho enterprises by assisting in their establishment, promotion and growth. 

Key priority areas under the strategic plan include enterprise development; financial sustainability, stakeholder collaborations' organisational effectiveness; and human capital development.Under enterprise development; BEDCO develops and implements entrepreneurship programmes in the priority sectors namely

The company operates in different sectors where I have business consultants including entrepreneurs training, design and printing services, dishwashing liquid soap production, and biscuits production.