Read our insights and analysis that will keep you up to date and help you to gain a better understanding of trends and shifts in the ecosystem and beyond.

Circular Economy Projects: Green Technology in South Africa In the face of growing environmental challenges, resource scarcity and the need for green technology, South Africa is standing at a crucial crossroads. The need for circular economy innovation has never been more pressing, as our nation
Empowering South Africa's digital future: an ongoing commitment to innovation and growth In an era defined by rapid technological advancement, digital innovation stands as a cornerstone of economic growth, global competitiveness and societal progress. For South Africa, embracing and supporting
Driving South Africa's health sector forward: a commitment to innovation and growth In a nation grappling with unique health challenges and a rapidly evolving global medical landscape, South Africa is standing at a critical juncture. The need for innovative health solutions tailored to our specific
Growing up in a business-oriented family, Boitumelo Matsane witnessed firsthand the struggles that come with entrepreneurship, particularly when faced with financial, emotional, and labour challenges. Her father's business, despite its potential, could not thrive due to these constraints. This