Tarryn Johnston's journey into environmental activism began with a simple yet profound request from her daughter: a desire to clean up a river. What started as a one-time event for her daughter quickly transformed into a lifelong mission, leading to the creation of Hennops Revival. It is a movement that fosters environmental awareness, active citizenship, and sustainable change.

Tarryn's daughter sparked the idea, and her unwavering commitment to this cause has driven Tarryn to organise regular cleanups of the Hennops River, one of Gauteng's most polluted waterways. 

A Commitment to Society and the Environment

“Hennops Revival is a beacon of hope for environmental preservation and community empowerment. The project not only removes waste from the river but also promotes environmental awareness and water literacy,” she says.

Tarryn's work has created jobs, developed skills, and offered a volunteer platform for those eager to contribute to a cleaner planet. Through data and water quality monitoring, Hennops Revival also provides valuable insights into the health of waterways.

“By fostering a deeper connection to water and nature, people need to see water not as a separate entity but as an integral part of our existence. This shift in perspective is crucial for fostering respect for our natural elements and, ultimately, for ensuring the sustainability of our planet,” she adds.

Tarryn believes that comprehension is the key to action, and has gone on to create a second NPO called Deep Water Movement, which aims to educate through various platforms with engaged and interactive learning, from grass roots to high level. Using Citizen Science tools to teach Basic Water Literacy in communities, to hosting conventions collaborating with multiple stakeholders to bring awareness and possibility of creating positive change.

They will be hosting their next event from 5-6 September 2024. The event is a solutions-based convention designed to equip decision-makers from the private sector with crucial insights into the pressing issues of water, waste and energy crises. This event compels participation and actively drives the change essential for South Africa’s future.

She refuses to accept the idea of leaving a deteriorated environment to future generations. Instead, Tarryn is determined to do everything in her power to restore and protect the natural world.

Words of Wisdom for Aspiring Female Entrepreneurs

Tarryn emphasizes the importance of faith and commitment, encouraging others to trust that things will always work out in the end. "The failures make us stronger, the disappointments build resilience, the harder you hit the bottom, the higher you can bounce back!" says Tarryn. 

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