Overview of your organisation

South African Leadership Gentlemen’s Club (SALGC) is a national non-racial NPO for Men and Boys, aimed at addressing psycho-social-economic issues that lead men into violation of natural laws resulting in social ills including the abuse and killing of women, children and of each other in our communities. The Club is an officially registered entity Reg No: 2019/494371/08 NPO: 238-496. SARS no: 9578027196

SALGC has established EPMO -Enterprise Project Management Office:

We would like to conduct the following SETA Accredited Community Development Empowerment Programs:

  1. PMBOK Project Management Training
  2. PRINCE 2 Project Management Training
  1. Construction Project Management Training
  1. Bee-Farming (Beekeeping) Training.
  1. Honey Products Processing.
​Other service activities
Country / HQ
South Africa