Overview of Organisation

SEED was founded at the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg by UN Environment, UNDP and IUCN as a global partnership for action on sustainable development and the green economy. SEED is based on the understanding that the promotion of social and environmental entrepreneurship is pivotal for environmentally friendly and socially inclusive development and poverty reduction.

SEED works with growing enterprises and aspiring entrepreneurs in its Enterprise Support programmes to strategise, optimise and award achievements in eco-inclusive entrepreneurship.

SEED offerings 

Direct Enterprise Support

  • SEED Starter -  guides participants from the early stages of ideation to the generation of a viable business plan used to launch an eco-inclusive enterprise.

  • SEED Replicator - pairs  (aspiring) entrepreneur – with established enterprises that have successfully implemented eco-inclusive business models in another location.

Accelerator Programmes 

  • SEED Catalyser - guides enterprises to refine their business models and optimise their environmental, social and economic impacts and investment readiness.
  • SEED Accelerator - develops the investment readiness and operational excellence of established eco-inclusive enterprises looking to scale up.

Ecosystem Building

  • Business Development Services 
  • Finance 
  • Policy Advisory 
  • Workshop and events 


Specialization Sector/s
​Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
Electricty, gas, steam, and air conditioning supply
Clean Technologies
Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities