Candy Androuakos’ observation of the need for affordable, washable, and environmentally friendly sanitary wear drove her to establish Leafline Washable Sanitary Wear, a business that not only addresses a critical need but also makes a significant impact on society.

Inspiration Rooted in Necessity

Candy saw a gap in the market for reusable sanitary products that are both cost-effective and eco-friendly. This need inspired her to create Leafline, which offers sanitary towels and diapers made from natural pineapple fibre. These products provide a safe and affordable alternative to the disposable options that dominate the market, making a tangible difference in the lives of those who use them.

A Positive Impact on Society

Leafline is more than just a business, it is a lifeline for the community in the rural Eastern Cape. Candy's company employs a team of six full-time and three part-time staff, many of whom face challenges such as mental disabilities or a lack of work prospects in the region. These employees, including one man, have been trained in sewing, empowering them with valuable skills while contributing to the production of Leafline’s innovative products. 

Advice to Aspiring Female Entrepreneurs

Candy encourages women to keep going and reminds them that women are strong. Through Leafline Washable Sanitary Wear, Candy is not only addressing a critical need but also creating lasting change in her community, proving that sustainable business practices can go together with social impact.

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