Namibia Mineworkers Investment Holdings Company (NAM-MIC Holdings)
The Namibia Mineworkers Investment Holdings Company (NAM-MIC Holdings) (Pty) Ltd was incorporated on 7th July 1997 when the National Executive Committee of Mineworkers Union of Namibia (MUN) created the Namibia Miners Investment Trust (NAMIT). The main business objective of Nam-mic Holdings is to act as principal investing in movable and immovable property, both corporeal of every description and in particular, patent rights, land, building, shares, stocks, debentures, debenture stock, mortgage and other bonds, obligation and securities of all kinds whether by way of purchase, original subscription, tender, exchange or otherwise. was created to pursue investment opportunities and is wholly owned by the NAMIT after initial capitalization of N$ 600 000.00 from the Trust. The beneficiaries of the Trust are defined as current and ex-mineworkers, energy workers, their dependents and the communities they hail from.