Overview of Organisation

This Institute of Advanced Tooling (IAT) is based at Walter Sisulu University (WSU) Buffalo City, satellite Campus in East London. IATWSU focuses mainly on mechanical design,  concept and product development, metrology (3rd party measurement), analysis, skills development and more recently, advanced manufacturing and reverse engineering.

The strategic objectives of the station are to provide technology support services and training to the (predominantly) regional manufacturing sector, SME's, inventors, individuals, academic partners and in some cases large companies.

Technology Competencies and Offerings:

  • Advanced Manufacturing;
  • Analysis / Simulation;
  • Applied Research and Development;
  • Consultancy Services;
  • Technology Audits and Industry Surveys
  • General Manufacturing;
  • Metrology / CMM;
  • Reverse Engineering; and 
  • Technology Demonstration and Training
Assistance Areas Offered
Product Development
Prototype Development
Product Design and Development
Product Assembly and Packaging
Specialization Sector/s
Advanced Manufacturing
Other manufacturing
Additive Manufacturing
Country/s of interest
South Africa