When Meg Enerson saw a friend struggling to take her business to the next level, she recognised a challenge that other women entrepreneurs face: the overwhelming task of starting and scaling a business. "My friend was trying to build an e-commerce website and manage social media, but the time, cost, and complexity made it feel impossible," Meg recalls. This common struggle inspired Meg to create a solution that would empower women to overcome these barriers.

"My co-founders and I wanted to create a safe space where female entrepreneurs could easily list their businesses or create a full e-commerce store without the high costs and technical challenges," Meg explains. 

Fempreneurs is more than just a marketplace; it is a community where women can find the tools, services, and support they need to grow their businesses. The mission of Fempreneurs goes beyond profits. "This is our side hustle, and we are driven by doing good," Meg emphasizes. 

By breaking down the barriers of technical aptitude, affordability, mentoring, and access to training, Fempreneurs is making entrepreneurship more accessible to women across South Africa - helping reduce the large gap between male and female-owned SMEs.

Despite her passion and commitment, Meg and her co-founders faced significant challenges as female entrepreneurs, including being taken seriously as a female startup in South Africa. "There were times when I almost gave up, especially when we had to completely rebuild our website from scratch," she admits. But Meg’s belief in their mission kept her and her team going. "We truly believed in our mission to uplift female entrepreneurs, so we practised resilience, picking ourselves up every time we fell," she highlights.

Meg’s advice to other women navigating the challenges of entrepreneurship is simple yet powerful: "If you truly believe in your business, practice resilience. Never underestimate the power of your community. My FemCommunity was there for me during the toughest times."

Through Fempreneurs, Meg Enerson is not only breaking down barriers for women entrepreneurs but also building a supportive community that empowers them to succeed. 

Contact Meg via the anonymous contact form on the Innovation Bridge Portal or the Fempreneurs website. 

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