Cirrus Capital
Overview of Investor
Cirrus Capital is our holding company and capital-raising/ corporate advisory arm, its goal at inception is the need to both develop Namibia’s financial sector depth and develop suitable financing methods for Namibian real sector development.
Since 2017, Cirrus Capital has completed over N$3 billion (U$200m) worth of capital raising and transaction advisory projects, in both large and small transactions. Working through Cirrus Capital helps to remove the obvious bottlenecks between investors and beneficiaries, helping to create wealth and jobs for Namibians, while making it easy for all parties concerned to do business.
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Sector/s of Interest
Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Mining and quarrying
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
Transportation and storage
Accommodation and food service activities
Information and communication
Financial and insurance activities
Professional, scientific and technical activities
Human health and social work activities
Country/s of interest