Overview of Organisation

The mission of the Centre is to inculcate entrepreneurial thinking in the delivery of College vocational and occupational programmes, which will support and stimulate an entrepreneurial economy. The model is to identify current students/graduates who meet the criteria for being a potential entrepreneur, and take them through the steps below to become entrepreneurs through formal training and practical business experience so that they can  ultimately establish their own businesses.


Assistance Areas Offered
Accelerators and Incubators
Mentoring and Coaching
Networking and Associations
Specialization Sector/s
Agriculture, forestry and fishing
​Mining and quarrying
​Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities
​Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
​Transportation and storage
Accommodation and food service activities
​Information and communication
Financial and insurance activities
Human health and social work activities
​Arts, entertainment and recreation
Country/s of interest
South Africa