Call for Proposals: Grants for Enhancing Manufacturing Capacities and Access to Vaccines, Medicines and Health Technologies in South Africa

The GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH) SAVax project (Vaccines for Africa: Roll-out and production in South Africa) on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the European Union (EU), together with the South African National Department of Science and Innovation (DSI), launches this Competitive Call for Proposals to support innovation and product development by consortia of private sector entities and research institutions. This initiative is part of the Team Europe Initiative on Manufacturing and Access to Vaccines, Medicines and Health Technologies (TEI MAV+) in Africa.
The selected projects should support the development of innovative vaccines, pharmaceuticals, and diagnostics and/or technologies that address healthcare challenges in South Africa and the African context. In addition, they should foster the translation of research findings into tangible products, market access, and solutions that benefit public health.
For this call, proposals are welcomed, but not limited to, projects focusing on the following:
(i) Research and product development of vaccines, pharmaceuticals, diagnostics, and health technologies, this includes drug/product discovery, as well as upstream/downstream contributions to the development thereof.
(ii) Clinical validation of drugs, vaccines and diagnostics as well as clinical validation/bioequivalence studies/trials.
(iii) Innovations and application of new technologies in product formulation and development for underserved patient groups. Formulation innovations (including dosage forms and rapid diagnostics).
The SAVax Joint Action project will allocate grants up to EUR 350,000 to selected eligible proposals. Eligible applicants comprise consortia of private companies and public institutions (including universities and research centres) located in South Africa.
The expected contribution from consortia shall be at least 15% of total project costs under this call for proposals. This contribution may be in salaries, own financial contribution, company/initiative space/rooms, exploratory costs, consultants, marketing and distribution costs, or similar contribution. Eligible consortia are expected to complete the project within twenty-four (24) months, which must be reflected in the proposal.
Further detailed information and downloads are available below. Interested applicants must submit their proposal through the application platform.
- Easy Application (pdf, 0,35 MB)
- Call Advert (pdf, 0,36 MB)
- Frequently Asked Questions (pdf, 0,08 MB)
- Call for Proposals - Applicant Info Pack - 06.08.2024 (08, 0,41 MB)
- SAVax Joint Action Application and Proposal 06.08.2024 (docx, 0,60 MB)
- Virtual Information Sessions (pdf, 0,09 MB)
- Budget Template - Eng (xltx, 0,08 MB)