South Africa
Indigenous Knowledge
Product Development

The CSIR Agro-processing Research Group, in collaboration with the Agricultural Research Council (ARC) and supported by the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI), invites communities and Indigenous Knowledge (IK) systems-based organisations/communities of practice in the cannabis sector to submit expressions of interest (EoI) in cannabis germplasm maintenance, cultivation research and the development of high Tetrahydrocannabinol products or processes on a semi-commercial or commercial scale. 

The EoI call is targeted at IK holders and communities interested in developing cannabis products in the agro-processing sector, with a specific focus on the entire value chain. This includes primary agriculture, downstream processing and product and process development for commercialisation. Activities will encompass the cultivation, drying and extraction of key cannabinoids and terpenes (active ingredients from the plants) and formulation into various products such as herbal (medicinal) products, food and health supplements, fortified products, topical ointments, cosmeceutical products and so forth. 


  • Applicants must belong to community-based organisations or be part of cannabis communities of practice; 
  • Applicants must have concept processes and product prototypes under development; 
  • Applicants must provide a clear description of the type of technical assistance required, prioritised in terms of commercial market relevance; 
  • Applicants must provide historical proof of being a legacy grower; • Applicants must possess their own landraces (seeds) for preservation, maintenance and research; and 
  • Applicants must be willing to sign material transfer agreements for supplying seeds. 


The following requests will not be covered under this call: 

  • Infrastructure or purchase of land; 
  • Start-up costs; 
  • Operational costs (salaries, rent, telephone and so forth); •
  • Efficacy studies; 
  • Clinical trials; and
  • Certification of products/accreditation of facilities. 

Disqualification criteria: 

  • Incomplete applications 
  • Please note that EoIs received from the CSIR, ARC or any of their staff will NOT be considered. 

The CSIR and ARC will provide project offerings as follows

  • Cultivation research and technology transfer; 
  • Seed (local landraces) preservation and characterisation; 
  • Agricultural training, coaching and mentoring; and Technical agricultural support. 
  • Infrastructure and skilled human resource support (scientists, technologists, process engineers); 
  • Technical incubation support; 
  • Analytical support, including shelf life, nutritional studies, experts in medicinal chemistry and quality control; 
  • Bio-based product development, formulation and labelling/packaging; 
  • Production of market samples at Current Good Manufacturing Practice facilities to support commercialisation; and 
  • Liaison with other organisations to build and expand the network. 

Submission requirements 

To apply, please complete your details in the EoI form.

  • Attach the following required documents to the EoI; applications missing any of these documents will not be considered: 
  • Curriculum Vitae of the applicant and short resumés of team members;  
  • Permit or licence, if available (communities without permits will be considered); and 
  • Company/project profile

Click here or here to submit your applications.

Closing date
Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Website link