Call for Abstracts: Annual Disability Rights in Africa Conference 2024

The Centre for Human Rights, Faculty of Law, University of Pretoria, will be convening a hybrid conference titled ‘Disability Rights, Information, and Communication Technologies in Africa’. The conference aims to achieve two primary objectives: firstly, to critically examine laws, policies, practices, programs, and ideologies pertaining to the rights of individuals with disabilities in Africa within the context of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT); secondly, to promote discussions on innovative solutions aimed at enhancing human rights for individuals with disabilities through the utilisation of ICTs.
It is anticipated that papers presented at the conference will be refined by authors and subsequently submitted for potential publication in the 2025 volume of the African Disability Rights Yearbook. The Centre for Human Rights hosts the annual Disability Rights in Africa conference every November. The annual conference provides a platform for engaging key stakeholders in dialogue on disability issues and highlighting critical and emerging disability rights issues across Africa.
Submission Specifications
Abstracts must adhere to the following guidelines for consideration:
1. Written in English
2. Length: 300-350 words
3. Format: MS Word document (not PDF)
Abstracts must include the following in a single document:
1. Title of abstract
2. Author’s name
3. Affiliation
4. Qualifications
5. E-mail address
Abstracts must be sent by email.
Authors will be notified of the acceptance of their abstracts for presentation at the Annual.
Disability Rights in Africa Conference (13 – 14 November 2024) by 9 September 2024.
Submission deadline for Abstracts: 31 August 2024
Submission Deadline for Presentations:
Authors whose abstracts are accepted will be required to submit their full presentations by 31 October 2024.