Overview of Organisation

We offer the fastest solutions to unlock or create Company Value and we show and train you HOW to do it. We Specialize in: Consulting - Advisory - Investing - Training. We have developed an unmatched expertise in Developed markets: (UK/Italy/USA/Europe/Australia) and in Emerging markets: (East Europe/Africa/Middle East/Pakistan), with extensive successful experience in Africa. We have particular success in the field of restructuring and expanding businesses and leading increasingly growing operations, with an extensive, successful, international practice gained in many Business Sectors - Categories and across different Countries. We have a wide experience in Health Care and Medical Devices industries on an international basis.

Expertise in Africa, Investment Advisory, Training, Management Consulting, Governance, Digital, Web and E Commerce, Emerging and Developed Markets, Leadership, Private Equity Advisory, Mentoring and Coaching, Africa, and Interim Management.

Assistance Areas Offered
Accelerators and Incubators
Business Planning/Modelling
Market Research
Identification & Research of Foreign Markets
Feasibility Studies
Business Planning
Business Plan Consulting
Buying and Selling
Purchasing or Selling an Existing Business
Employee Stock Ownership Plan
Buying or Selling a Franchise
Human Resources, Workforce and Talent
Workforce Training
Employee Development
Import and Export Assistance
Locating Foreign Distributors
Marketing and Sales
Feasibility Studies
Competitive Analysis
Mentoring and Coaching
Networking and Associations
Product Development
Prototype Development
Regulatory Support
Specialization Sector/s
Human health and social work activities
Medical Devices
Human health activities
Target Market
Scale-Up stage SMME’s
Country/s of interest
South Africa
United Kingdom
United States