Take your business to the next level, become remarkable with local innovation.

Our country is filled with remarkable people and remarkable ideas. At the Department of Science and Innovation, we help businesses turn ideas into action by enabling local health innovation to grow our health industry while meeting the needs of society.

Enabling health

that turns your ideas into action.

Making sure it’s possible.

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Keep up to date with the latest ecosystem events and opportunities.

The Global Resilience Partnership (GRP) is launching the Resilience Innovation through Scaling Entrepreneurship (RISE) Urban Challenge to convert innovative urban ideas that are meeting resilience needs in informality contexts and scale them to sustainable ideas. The RISE Urban Challenge provides
The Centre for Epidemic Response and Innovation (CERI) at Stellenbosch University (South Africa) and the Institute Pasteur de Dakar (IPD) (Senegal) invite applications for the African STARS Fellowship Programme, in partnership with the Mastercard Foundation. This prestigious initiative is designed
The uYilo e-Mobility Programme invites qualifying projects to submit proposals to the uYilo “Kick Start” fund. The fund was established to support electric mobility (e-Mobility)-related products or services development, by providing an agile mechanism to fund applied research and development to a

Our Partners

The Innovation Bridge Portal is an initiative of the South African National Departments of Science & Innovation (DSI), and Small Business Development (DSBD). The initiative is supported by the European Union (EU) and its content does not necessarily reflect the views of the EU.

European Union (EU) funded Ecosystems Development for Small Enterprises Programme World Bank Group CIPC NIPMO