The Gauteng Enterprise Propeller (GEP) promotes, fosters and develops small enterprises in Gauteng thereby implementing the policy of the Gauteng Provincial Government for small enterprise development.

GEP's mandate is to promote entrepreneurship, mobilise resources and facilitate an integrated

Enterpriseroom is a specialist company that assists clients to develop and implement high impact, sustainable enterprise and supplier development programmes.

Enterpriseroom specialises in designing bespoke programmes to accelerate and grow SMEs by understanding their growth needs, structuring

Zimele is about creating sustainability in business. It’s focused on building sustainable livelihoods in the Anglo American host communities and on strengthening relationships to create synergies within Anglo American and with broader mining industry partners. 

Zimele is playing its part to create

The Raymond Ackerman Academy is a post-matric level academy that offers an inspiring and innovative six month, full-time programme in entrepreneurial development. 

The course aims at empowering young people by developing their entrepreneurial mind-sets. 

The RAA is 'RAAsome' opportunity for youth

Business France’s mandate is to help foster business relations between France and the countries in which the agency operates.

For example, Business France South Africa helps French companies find partners and clients in South Africa and neighbouring countries, and helps South African companies

Black Umbrellas is an enterprise and supplier development (ESD) incubation organisation that partners with entrepreneurs, enterprises, investors and communities, to drive an inclusive and sustainable economic future by addressing the low levels of entrepreneurship and high failure rate of 100% black

Small Enterprise Development Agency (Seda) is an agency of the Department of Small Business Development (DSBD). SEDA serves to promote entrepreneurship and develop small enterprises by providing customised non-financial business support services that result in business growth and sustainability in