I’M IN Accelerator helps tech startups access seed investment and achieve business sustainability by providing an effective eco-system that offers business and technical support. The accelerator allows startups to test their assumptions and validate their products in the market, commercialising

Startup 90 is a business accelerator for Africa-based startups. It provides entrepreneurs with a platform for taking their ideas idea to market. They enable startups to become investment-ready and promote deal flow and assist startups to raise funding from investors.

What Startup 90 provides: 

  • B

22 ON SLOANE is the largest startup campus in Africa. The campus offers startups and innovative SMEs a complete turnkey solution to scale, from the initial idea to commercialisation, funding opportunities and access to markets. Its aim is to nurture the entrepreneurial mindset, ensure their

Digital Health Cape Town is an accelerator in South Africa. Through corporate-startup partnerships,  social impact ventures and business innovation ecosystems, Digital Health Cape Town help high growth, high social impact businesses to succeed and support established enterprises at risk of being

The Gauteng Enterprise Propeller (GEP) promotes, fosters and develops small enterprises in Gauteng thereby implementing the policy of the Gauteng Provincial Government for small enterprise development.

GEP's mandate is to promote entrepreneurship, mobilise resources and facilitate an integrated

Enterpriseroom is a specialist company that assists clients to develop and implement high impact, sustainable enterprise and supplier development programmes.

Enterpriseroom specialises in designing bespoke programmes to accelerate and grow SMEs by understanding their growth needs, structuring

The Raymond Ackerman Academy is a post-matric level academy that offers an inspiring and innovative six month, full-time programme in entrepreneurial development. 

The course aims at empowering young people by developing their entrepreneurial mind-sets. 

The RAA is 'RAAsome' opportunity for youth

The Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (iED) is a non-profit organisation committed to the promotion of innovation and the enhancement of entrepreneurial spirit, and we invest in entrepreneurship daily.

As a state-of-the-art international organisation, a certified Center of Excellence, and a

Business France’s mandate is to help foster business relations between France and the countries in which the agency operates.

For example, Business France South Africa helps French companies find partners and clients in South Africa and neighbouring countries, and helps South African companies

The CDI is a craft and design sector development agency with a mission to develop capable people and build responsible creative enterprises trading within local and international markets.

The CDI is a non-profit company with over 20 years of success in developing creative people, small businesses

Ngwana Africa is a pre-seed start-up accelerator and innovation hub that seeks to build Africa's economic skills capacity by training the continent's next generation of bold, innovative problem-solvers and software developers.

The organisation's headquarters are in Francistown, Botswana.


Black Umbrellas is an enterprise and supplier development (ESD) incubation organisation that partners with entrepreneurs, enterprises, investors and communities, to drive an inclusive and sustainable economic future by addressing the low levels of entrepreneurship and high failure rate of 100% black