Currently, the ARC have three commercial cultivars, Ratel, Steenbok and Tredou. Ratel consists of a medium growth period whereas Steenbok consists of a short growth period with good drought tolerance making it suitable for areas with a dry climate. Tredou is the newest addition to the ARC cultivar

The invention relates to the design of a robust membrane for desalination using membrane distillation (MD). Although MD technology has advanced over the years, its industrial application for the treatment of brackish water and seawater is still lagging. This invention exhibits advantages over the

A method and apparatus for treating a fluid utilising nanoscience. The impurities in the fluid are trapped by the charged nanoparticles. The fluid is contained in a reactor that includes a moving magnetic system. When the reactor is in use, the moving magnetic system excites the charged

An irrigation sprinkler riser technology which comprises of a flexible tubular body which is installed to join from the lateral water supply pipe to the sprinkler head, allowing adjustable positioning of the sprinkler at various angles or directions by means of an adjustable knob. The body of the

Conventional irrigation sprinklers which are fitted with rises pipes above the ground are prone to mechanical damage and disorientation. As a result, the lifespan of the irrigation system is shortened or the potential of irrigation systems to optimally irrigate the required surface areas are

Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) is an aquatic weed which has one of the highest growth rates of all plants in the world. This fast-growing plant causes numerous problems in water bodies. These problems are related to navigation, recreation, irrigation and hydropower generation. The complete

The technology is capable of treating high-temperature wastewater as a membrane for removing oil from wastewater One of the key challenges with membrane filtration devices is the issue of fouling and concentration gradient build-up on the surface of the membrane, which subsequently decreases its

Sol-gel Long Lasting Power These long-lasting and significantly safer batteries are novel because of their sol-gel base. A uniform carbon coating process produces high-performance lithium-ion batteries. This method makes use of organic phosphoric acid as carbon and phosphoric sources to produce